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  1. R

    Fizz has left the Building.

    omg fizz, yu no you are oz right nobody can take your place. bullshit.
  2. R

    Abolisher is back and up to date in school

    are u the dude everyone said hacked?
  3. R

    Abolisher is back and up to date in school

    Best thing ive heard all day lol.
  4. R


    As in the holy bible?
  5. R

    Idea Help Plz.

    I was thinking that to.
  6. R

    Poll - Goldrush V Goldrush Ga

    Yeah GA is better!
  7. R

    WWE - Chris Jericho Picture

    Yeah he loved himself some drugs Chris jericho is like 9 x IC chame - 5 World Champ and 1st ever Underputed Champ.
  8. R

    WWE - Chris Jericho Picture

    It's freakin sick. and i can tell that was not easy.
  9. R

    Who is your all time OZ nazi?

    Lol Fizz is shit sometimes and other times like the other day with a 38 kill spree :D and like the next map a 10 death spree.
  10. R

    Who is your all time OZ nazi?

    very true Fizz = Pure badass
  11. R

    State Of Origin - Set-Up

    why the hell did somebody else make another origin topic - attention?
  12. R

    2 Abolisher. Some On My Finest Work :D

    Yeah and it turned into this.
  13. R

    2 Abolisher. Some On My Finest Work :D

    Omg the creepy kid is here i tell you what im going to host the farwell party when you leave - nobody likes you! go the hell away! Can't somebody ban you or something?
  14. R

    My return

    David. Were you in that +aim clan witrh the sig saying. "Copy this sig if you ***** hate oz" or something like that and was named "verts"?
  15. R

    Coffin Sig.

    That's nice. gotta admit youa re the bets picture maker of any sort here!
  16. R

    My First Avit.

    Is there anything u can't do? lol.
  17. R

    Kabal - Sig Fixed - Water/Fire Effect

    Thanks for the input joy lol. You ahve got to admit the water effect is crazy.
  18. R


    100% lol everything was made to look majorly dramatic.
  19. R

    Kabal - Sig Fixed - Water/Fire Effect

    Fizz is a sweet photoshop...er.