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Search results

  1. F

    Why is ET so enduring?

    Blusky you say in Europe its still booming? Is this just based on observation of servers or are you in contact with european ET players and developers? Im interested in groups who are still developing content for ET. I have a bunch of ideas for maps and i have the software but id like to be in...
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    Why is ET so enduring?

    Blusky, honest question, even though there is probably a separate thread about maps, but which maps do you think have the best playability?
  3. F

    Why is ET so enduring?

    I think saying most of the maps are awful is a bit hyperbolic and ungenerous. Sure some dont play as well as others but considering they arent usually made by professional level designers i think that many of them are relative masterpieces with some great design elements and real artistic merit...
  4. F

    Why is ET so enduring?

    So RTCW ET is 7 years old now and Im still loving it, as are clearly, many others. My question is; what is it about ET that makes its so timeless? Many other online FPS have come and gone, including ET quake wars, various flavours of Unreal Tournament, Battlefield, Counterstrike etc.. But what...
  5. F

    Max fps and maxpackets

    Wow what did i start here?! I thought that the sprint while shooting script seemed like a great idea. Is the script new lines that i add to my config? i could just try but im lazy and i really just want someone to tell me how to implement it in my config.. so can someone walk me through it...
  6. F

    Max fps and maxpackets

    awesome thanks antagonist! so this: set attackon "+attack; +sprint" set attackoff "-attack; -sprint" bind MOUSE1 "+vstr attackon attackoff" i can just run through the ingame console? and will make me sprint while firing? thats cool. never was that good at grabbing shift while in a fire fight...
  7. F

    Max fps and maxpackets

    lol @phatbass it was just a question lol and yeah ive removed blood splatter and such. thanks those of you that take enquiries seriously
  8. F

    Max fps and maxpackets

    thanks bro! will try that out. ive always just played with a stock config so its new for me to tool around with it. quite interested to see what happens. is there anyway to reduce the shake that happens when you get hit? or recoil from weapons?
  9. F

    Max fps and maxpackets

    Hi all Im wondering if anyone here can help me finetune this area of my config. My ping from over here in NZ hovers around 100 - 110. My comp runs ET between 70 and 90 fps as i have not changed anything in the config. Ive just heard snippets from a few of you while playing that i might be able...
  10. F

    Application for ozclan[NOT PASSED]

    Re: Application for ozclan @ OZ-KIT you are right! When i discovered this just last night i felt like a bit of a tool but here is what happened. i was playing on another australian server and i asked about their website and joining etc, and one of the players mysteriously directed me to the...
  11. F

    Application for ozclan[NOT PASSED]

    Re: Application for ozclan Hey thanks for the welcome guys. Might see you capturing those radar parts tonight. Dunno how many times ive captured those radar parts... they always come back.
  12. F

    Application for ozclan[NOT PASSED]

    Re: Application for ozclan thanks Hicksy i will!
  13. F

    Application for ozclan[NOT PASSED]

    Re: Application for ozclan I would say postmodern cultural theorist would describe him yeah. For me, even though he can be a bit gloomy, he reminds us to have a healthy cynicism about technology. That unrestrained progress is not necessarily the best course. Technology can hurt us. We should...
  14. F

    Application for ozclan[NOT PASSED]

    Re: Application for ozclan Paul Virilio said, among other things, that "train crashes didnt happen until we invented trains". His overriding thesis is that technology is violent. He wrote an amazing book called 'War and Cinema', where he points out that the first motion film cameras were...
  15. F

    Application for ozclan[NOT PASSED]

    Re: Application for ozclan Ok a little more about me: My name is Morgan Oliver, I live in Dunedin New Zealand. Im 32 years old and I have a Masters degree in Fine Art with a major in interactive media. I teach web design, animation and film making at The Otago School of Design. I guess my age...
  16. F

    Application for ozclan[NOT PASSED]

    Hi there Ive been playing on your ETPub server and really enjoy it. Ive played ET for ages and never been part of a clan. Im applying here because its anzac and that seems cool. Also the server is great! I asked while playing and the guys said to apply here. I play using the nickname...