• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

Akh-Horus returns


Super Moderator
Staff member
Just for everyones information, I am reverting back to Akh-Horus and have resigned from the clan.

Please note that I will not be discussing reasons, I am stating that I have enjoyed my time in the OZ clan but am reverting at my own request back to player. I will repeat, I will not discuss my reasons, I have wayyyyyyyyyy too much respect for the admin team and mods here, you guys wont know how much I respect them.

Anyway, Akh-Horus returns to be prawned by all.


Well-Known Member
i understand horus, and i really hope you enjoyed your time..
you'll never be forgotten..



Well-Known Member
I'll see you round then Horus and maybe one day you'll get this g5 lump of coal of mine.

Think I'll be on Batou's server more once he fixes the rotation.