• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/

Free script for you guys


Instead of linking people to etkey.org for an etkey just make a simple php etkey generator.

Here is the script i made:


* © Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved ©
* http://www.xfire.com/profile/burgo855

* Let's make people download the php, as a etkey.file.

header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Length: 35");

* Let's give them a etkey.
* #This will make their etkey legit, with correct format.
* #Etkeys always start with 0000001002.
* #Followed by the clients date (Year,Month,Day).
* #Followed with 0011 OR 0015.
* #Followed by the clients time in 24hour Hours,Mins,Secs.
* But the issue here is what if the client downloads the
* etkey the exact same time as another? Well that's where
* its good to make the last six digits not based on time
* but a randomNumber :).

echo '0000001002' . date("Ymd") .("0011") .rand(100000,999999);


Yeah, just paste that into notepad and save as "etkeygenerator.php" make sure "All Files" is selected, upload to server, then just simply change links to it. eg: "http://overzealousgamers.com/scripts/etkeygenerator.php" and bobs your uncle :singing:.

Its the same script i use for my site: http://www.hs.rumpigs.net/index.php


Well-Known Member
holy fuck sticks. is that all you need to do to make an etkey? i thought they were like.. hashed or something. wicked. this will help cake with his ET hacki\\\\]]\tweaking.


Well-Known Member
For one better, if possible..write it as a javascript bookmarklet that peeps can save as a bookmark on any browser. That way not dependent on your website or etkey.org.


Well-Known Member
onya sh1rts. i always knew there was more to you than a throwaway line for your own bemusement. maybe you should post your revelations in a n64 forum, instead of feeling free to junk a valid thread. maybe even start your own blog, elsewhere.
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