• Changes to Server go to this thread http://overzealousgamers.com/threads/etpub-changelog.6665/



Well-Known Member
What kind of lag do you think it is?

Connection or frame rate?

Connection = warpy, bullets wont hit or will take a few more milliseconds to hit there mark, you see CONNECTION INTERRUPTED and your ping goes up.

Frame rate = 'LAGGY'(feels slower to move, harder to shoot) in areas with lots of things going on + 'tearing', frame jumping.

Connection lag is to do with your internet or internet cmds in game.

Frame rate lag is to do with your PC. <--- I'm getting dodgy frame rate lag just recently, check my other topic if your lag is similar to mine. I think it's PunkBuster related.


Well-Known Member
ok Pb seems very Lagged atm >2mins to get pb_alist response... this could be some of the problem.Delayed packets will = fps drop.


Well-Known Member
I noticed when gaming, PB B has fits of resource hogging(Sometimes jumping up to 90% of ram and cpu). I think this is where the problem lies for most people.

Ive mainly noticed it on ETPUB, not PRO?


New Member
Yeah I get this problem alot too :\

This what I got from an Evenbalance support ticket response

/07/2009 08:33:28 - "Hendrik T"
Note #2: Please delete the PB folder from the game installation, then run PBSetup and let it check for updates. Make sure you don't run PBSetup from inside the PB folder.
Hasn't worked for me - but I've just checked PB B as affinity core 0 and Up'd the priority of resources to ET.EXE


Well-Known Member
G-Train said:
Ive mainly noticed it on ETPUB, not PRO?
GA ETpro servers dont stream to pb thus you dont notice any lag from that mod(assuming you only play on GA servers).


Well-Known Member
Just make sure when you run PBsetup that PBsetup isn't located in the ET PB folder, it has caused problems before I think.

When do you think Even Balance is going to drop ET?