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ChangeLog 21/6/2009
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ChangeLog 21/6/2009

1 Posts
1 Users
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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007
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Changelog for the date 21/6/2009

*New change log section open – the change logs will show the main updates all over hte place of the updates up to that certain date so everyoen is informed from now on
*Server now has player rating (press tab twice to see) *NEW
*Server now has k/d ratios (press tab twice to see) *NEW
*Xp Saves up to 3 months not 2 like before if your afk (if you dotn play for 3 months it will save ur xp up to 3 months, second you connect again it will reset that timer for your profile/guid) It is is still forever XP save if you play often
*Forum recruiting opened
*New groups are being added and tested
*Forum updated and patched
*Bug Fix – How to join link broken – now fixed
