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Anti-Vsay spam scri…
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Anti-Vsay spam script

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i got this back in the node days from a dude called raider (no not claner raider who is/was a dick) and it is very handy if ppl are spamming vsays constantly (then u cant hear footsteps)

set select_sound "play sound/menu/select.wav" 
set play_sound "vstr select_sound; vstr select_sound; vstr select_sound" 

// Anti-spam toggle 

set voicespam1 "set cg_noVoiceChats 0; set cg_noVoiceText 0; set cg_TeamChatsOnly 0; echo All Voice Chats Audible (Default); set voicespamnext vstr voicespam2" 
set voicespam2 "set cg_noVoiceChats 1; set cg_noVoiceText 0; set cg_TeamChatsOnly 0; echo All Voice Chats MUTED; set voicespamnext vstr voicespam3" 
set voicespam3 "set cg_noVoiceChats 1; set cg_noVoiceText 1; set cg_TeamChatsOnly 0; echo All Voice Chats MUTED and HIDDEN; set voicespamnext vstr voicespam4" 
set voicespam4 "set cg_noVoiceChats 0; set cg_noVoiceText 0; set cg_TeamChatsOnly 1; echo ALL GLOBAL CHATS MUTED and HIDDEN; set voicespamnext vstr voicespam5" 
set voicespam5 "set cg_noVoiceChats 1; set cg_noVoiceText 1; set cg_TeamChatsOnly 1; echo ONLY Team Text Chats Visible; set voicespamnext vstr voicespam6" 
set voicespam6 "set cg_noVoiceChats 1; set cg_noVoiceText 1; set cg_TeamChatsOnly 1; set cg_TeamChatTime 0; echo NO CHATS VISIBLE!; set voicespamnext vstr voicespam1" 

vstr voicespam1 
reset cg_TeamChatTime 
bind o "vstr play_sound; reset cg_TeamChatTime; vstr voicespamnext" 
bind F9 "exec autoexec.cfg" 

i have passed this around a bit so i thought i would hand it on here too.Pressing o 4x will make it so you see no text at all or vsays if your feeling unsociable 😛

Ani Sig made by the WickedFizz..

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ohhh reading scripting makes me feel ill

please take it away lol

There is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable… I simply am not there.

New Teamspeak I.P.

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Isn’t this like against the rules? There is a spam filter for a reason 🙂

Huh? this is a personal anti-spam script it shuts off vsays if you dont want to hear them and also blocks global and team text if you dont want to see it has nothing to do with the spam filter.

Ani Sig made by the WickedFizz..

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I didn’t scroll down within the code box at first and was wondering how on earth pressing o would do anything. >.<

It looks cool. I've never seen a script to do with blocking text before. I guess everyone else just uses /ignore.

I'll add it to my To Do List!

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Cool, now we can talk about lestat and know he isn’t watching 😛


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Cool, now we can talk about lestat and know he isn’t watching 😛


lol …. i use 1 press of o ….

Ani Sig made by the WickedFizz..

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Isn’t this like against the rules?


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David, this script doesn’t do anything dodgy really, its just shutting out everyone elses talking, I don’t see a problem with that, it’s only when people start playing with bob pitches, blood drawing etc that I start getting annoyed. I’m still sticking with my stock cfg though 🙂

Nice script though warhorse 😀

made by m3rcy[/center:118k3jif]

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@ David, to quote your own typical annoying input into arguments that don’t concern you (can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=109)

Lith just owned you.

Reversal! Now if you have a problem with that you have a problem with yourself.

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@ David, to quote your own typical annoying input into arguments that don’t concern you (can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=109)

Lith just owned you.

Reversal! Now if you have a problem with that you have a problem with yourself.

a problem with me?

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@ David, to quote your own typical annoying input into arguments that don’t concern you (can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=109)

Lith just owned you.

Reversal! Now if you have a problem with that you have a problem with yourself.

a problem with me?

i don’t think he meant you ?? lol … i think he meant he has a problem with Himself??

Ani Sig made by the WickedFizz..

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it’s only when people start playing with bob pitches, blood drawing etc that I start getting annoyed. I’m still sticking with my stock cfg though 🙂

whats wrong with setting bobup, bobroll, bobpitch and bobyaw to 0??? also why would you get annoyed with blood ???

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tweaked cfg’s kick ass, if any1 wants 1, i have an old basic one of mine lying around somwhere

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David, this script doesn’t do anything dodgy really, its just shutting out everyone elses talking, I don’t see a problem with that, it’s only when people start playing with bob pitches, blood drawing etc that I start getting annoyed. I’m still sticking with my stock cfg though 🙂

Nice script though warhorse 😀

😀 I PLAY WITH BOB PITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!1

My h4xz0rd CFG makes me play like a 1337z0rz pr0.

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 3

@ David, to quote your own typical annoying input into arguments that don’t concern you (can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=109)

Lith just owned you.

Reversal! Now if you have a problem with that you have a problem with yourself.

Yea David is fair useless ay.

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