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[Sticky] AwesomeScripts

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Here are some scripts =]]

To be somewhere on time, or just simply to know the time, here is the clock script. Press button “X” to show the time, press it again to hide the time.

//Clock Script

//By pressing this key (F9) you can enable/disable the clock in your HUD.
set clock0 “echo ^6Clock ^7 is now ^1OFF; set b_drawclock 0;set clock vstr clock1”
set clock1 “echo ^6Clock ^7 is now ^2ON; set b_drawclock 1; set clock vstr clock0”
set clock “vstr clock0”
bind “F9” “vstr clock”

Fov remover:

When you start shooting your fov will change to 90 so you can aim better. When you stop shooting your fov will be changed to 105 to see better what happens around you.

//fov-fixed shooting
seta cg_fov “105”
set shooton “+attack;cg_fov 90;set vstr shootoff”
set shootoff “-attack;cg_fov 105;set vstr shooton”
bind MOUSE1 “+vstr shooton shootoff”

Instant artillery:

//Instant Artillary Support for Field Ops

//By pressing this key (F6) you can deploy an Artillary Support without zooming first.
bind “F6” “+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom”

Class selector:

//Class Selection Script

//You can put this file in your Etmain map.
//This is the main config file for the Class selector.
set menu “echo ^3F4^1: ^2ENGINEER ^3F5^1: ^2MEDIC; echo ^3F6^1: ^2FIELDS OPS ^3F7^1: ^2COVERT OPS; echo ^3F8^1: ^2SOLDIER ^3F9^1: ^2TEAM (ALLIED/AXIS)
set teamb “set teamtoggle vstr teamr;exec cfg/allies.cfg;echo ^3*** Allied ;vstr menu”
set teamr “set teamtoggle vstr teamb;exec cfg/axis.cfg;echo ^3
Axis ;vstr menu”
set teamtoggle “vstr teamb”
bind “F9” “vstr teamtoggle”
//executing the Allies and Axis Script
exec cfg/allies.cfg
exec cfg/axis.cfg


//Axis respawn Script

//Put this file in this folder in your etmain map: cfg/axis.cfg
//This is the config file for the Axis part of the class selector.

set ing1 “team r 2 3 38;echo ^2*Engineer with MP40*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wEngineer^1]^w=^2 MP40 ^3**; set engineer vstr ing2″
set ing2 “team r 2 23 38;echo ^2
*Engineer with K43*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wEngineer^1]^w=^2 K43 ^3**; set engineer vstr ing1″
set engineer “vstr ing1”
bind F4 “vstr engineer”
set medic “team r 1 3 38;echo ^2
*MEDIC*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wI’m going^1]^w=^2 Medic ^3**
bind F5 “vstr medic”
set field “team r 3 3 38;echo ^2
*Fields Ops.*; say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wI’m going^1]^w=^2 Field Ops. ^3**
bind F6 “vstr field”
set cov1 “team r 4 32 38;echo ^2
*Covert with K43*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wCovert^1]^w=^2 K43 ^3**; set covert vstr cov2″
set cov2 “team r 4 33 38;echo ^2
*Covert with FG42*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wCovert^1]^w=^2 FG42 ^3**; set covert vstr cov3″
set cov3 “team r 4 10 38;echo ^2
*Covert with STEN*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wCovert^1]^w=^2 Sten ^3**; set covert vstr cov1″
set covert “vstr cov1”
bind F7 “vstr covert”
set sol1 “team r 0 5 3;echo ^2
*Soldier with PANZERFAUST*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wSoldier^1]^w=^2 Panzerfaust ^3**; set soldier vstr sol2″
set sol2 “team r 0 6 3;echo ^2
*Soldier with FLAMETHROWER*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wSoldier^1]^w=^2 Flamethrower ^3**; set soldier vstr sol3″
set sol3 “team r 0 35 3;echo ^2
*Soldier with MORTAR*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wSoldier^1]^w=^2 Mortar ^3**; set soldier vstr sol4″
set sol4 “team r 0 31 3;echo ^2
*Soldier with MOBILE (MG42)*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wSoldier^1]^w=^2 Mobile (MG42) ^3**; set soldier vstr sol1″
set soldier “vstr sol1”
bind F8 “vstr soldier”


//Allies Respawn Script

//Put this file in this folder in your etmain map: cfg/allies.cfg
//This is the config file for the Allies part of the class selector.
set ing1 “team b 2 8 37;echo ^2*Engineer with THOMPSON*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wEngineer^1]^w=^2 Thompson ^3**; set engineer vstr ing2″
set ing2 “team b 2 24 37;echo ^2
*Engineer with M1 GARAND*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wEngineer^1]^w=^2 M1 Garand ^3**; set engineer vstr ing1″
set engineer “vstr ing1”
bind F4 “vstr engineer”
set medic “team b 1 8 37;echo ^2
*MEDIC*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wI’m going^1]^w=^2 Medic ^3**
bind F5 “vstr medic”
set field “team b 3 8 37;echo ^2
*Fields Ops.*; say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wI’m going^1]^w=^2 Field Ops. ^3**
bind F6 “vstr field”
set cov1 “team b 4 25 37;echo ^2
*Covert with GARAND*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wCovert^1]^w=^2 Garand ^3**; set covert vstr cov2″
set cov2 “team b 4 33 37;echo ^2
*Covert with FG42*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wCovert^1]^w=^2 FG42 ^3**; set covert vstr cov3″
set cov3 “team b 4 10 37;echo ^2
*Covert with STEN*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wCovert^1]^w=^2 Sten ^3**; set covert vstr cov1″
set covert “vstr cov1”
bind F7 “vstr covert”
set sol1 “team b 0 5 8;echo ^2
*Soldier with PANZERFAUST*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wSoldier^1]^w=^2 Panzerfaust ^3**; set soldier vstr sol2″
set sol2 “team b 0 6 8;echo ^2
*Soldier with FLAMETHROWER*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wSoldier^1]^w=^2 Flamethrower ^3**; set soldier vstr sol3″
set sol3 “team b 0 35 8;echo ^2
*Soldier with MORTAR*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wSoldier^1]^w=^2 Mortar ^3**; set soldier vstr sol4″
set sol4 “team b 0 31 8;echo ^2
*Soldier with MOBILE (MG42)*;say_team ^3** ^w=^1[^wSoldier^1]^w=^2 MOBILE(MG42) ^3*****; set soldier vstr sol1″
set soldier “vstr sol1”
bind F8 “vstr soldier”

Info script
//Info-items script
// Press this key (F6) to clear/view some info, like your FPS, Lagometer, Speedometer, …
bind “F6” “vstr info”
set info “vstr info_on”
set info_on “cg_drawFPS 1; cg_lagometer 1; b_drawspeed 2,4; b_watermarkalpha 1; set info vstr info_off; echo ^6Info ^7is now ^2ON”
set info_off “cg_drawFPS 0; cg_lagometer 0; b_drawspeed 0; b_watermarkalpha 0; set info vstr info_on; echo ^6Info ^7is now ^1OFF”


//Stats script
// Press this key ( F7 ) to view the scores and your stats.

bind F7 “vstr st”
set st “vstr statisticsall”
set statisticsall “vstr statistics”
set statistics “+topshots;+stats;set statisticsall vstr statistics2”
set statistics2 “-topshots;-stats;set statisticsall vstr statistics”

Name changer

// Press this key (F7) to change your nickname in the game with only one button
set x1 “name Nick; set nick vstr x2”
set x2 “name Nick2; set nick vstr x3”
set x3 “name Nick3; set nick vstr x4”
set x4 “name Nick4; set nick vstr x5”
set x5 “name Nick5; set nick vstr x6”
set x6 “name Nick6; set nick vstr x1
set nick “vstr x1”
bind “F7” “vstr nick “


//Crosshair color Script

//By pressing this key (F6) you can switch between the colors for your crosshair.
set crosshr “vstr crosshaircolor0”
set crosshaircolor0 “cg_crosshairColorAlt black; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor1”
set crosshaircolor1 “cg_crosshairColorAlt red; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor2”
set crosshaircolor2 “cg_crosshairColorAlt green; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor3”
set crosshaircolor3 “cg_crosshairColorAlt yellow; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor4”
set crosshaircolor4 “cg_crosshairColorAlt blue; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor5”
set crosshaircolor5 “cg_crosshairColorAlt cyan; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor6”
set crosshaircolor6 “cg_crosshairColorAlt magenta; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor7”
set crosshaircolor7 “cg_crosshairColorAlt white; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor8”
set crosshaircolor8 “cg_crosshairColorAlt orange; set crosshr vstr crosshaircolor0”
bind “F6” “vstr crosshr”

Atmorspheric removal

//Atmospheric effects, particle and gun script

//By pressing this key (F6) you can enable/disable the “atmospheric effects” like rain or snow.
set opady0 “echo ^6RAIN/SNOW ^7 is now ^1OFF; set cg_atmosphericeffects 0; set opady vstr opady1”
set opady1 “echo ^6RAIN/SNOW ^7 is now ^2ON; set cg_atmosphericeffects 1; set opady vstr opady0”
set opady “vstr opady0”
bind “F6” “vstr opady”

//By pressing this key (F7) you can enable/disable the “Particle” system in ET.
set dym0 “echo ^6SMOKE ^7is now ^1OFF; set cg_wolfparticles 0; set dym vstr dym1”
set dym1 “echo ^6SMOKE ^7is now ^2ON; cg_wolfparticles 1; set dym vstr dym0”
set dym “vstr dym0”
bind “F7” “vstr dym”

//By pressing this key (F you can enable/disable your gun in your HUD.
set gun0 “echo ^6GUN ^7 is now ^1OFF; set cg_drawgun 0; set gun vstr gun1”
set gun1 “echo ^6GUN ^7 is now ^2ON; set cg_drawgun 1; set gun vstr gun0”
set gun “vstr gun0”

Enjoy Credits My M8 He Helped Me With Few Of These =]
-OZ-CLAN RULES!! Respect all admins and leaders remember


Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons!
