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Change Username[FIX…
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Change Username[FIXED]

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Hi admins,
I can’t change my username, it is greyed out in profile. Is it possible for an admin to change it for me??
Cheers guys

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Re: Change Username

Hey mate have you tried going throguh the user control panel and I cant remeber off hand whcih section its under but you can get your username requested to change and then all I have to do is accept in the admin control panel.

P.S love the display pic XD


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Re: Change Username

cool photo ay ๐Ÿ™‚
Couldn’t find it ay, went through every page in control panel but nothing to request change. The closest is the profile -> Edit Account Settings. Where I can change email, passwords etc but the user name isn’t in a text field, its an uneditable string…
Thanx for ur help BR ๐Ÿ™‚ its not a huge issue if it can’t be changed, just tohught itd make more sense to have my current tag name instead of my old one.

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Posts: 2007

Re: Change Username

No its fine mate, sorry it must have been another forum I thought you could request it but I did a test jsut then and it doesn’t work Ill willingly change it for you np. Just let me know What you would like it changed to and it shall be done.

Cheers BR

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Re: Change Username

dark knight = superMINGE
๐Ÿ˜€ thanks mate

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Re: Change Username

Done, your new details means now you will need to login with the username: superMINGE

