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Class/spawn selecto…
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Class/spawn selector

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For those looking for a class and spawn selector that DOESN’T global chat what team you are, and make you cycle through the teams, try out the one that I made. All by myself.

//My Class Selector


//'Insert' to choose team - Axis->Allies
//'Home' to choose Class - Soldier->Medic->Engineer->Field Ops->Covert
//'Page Up' to pick weapon - 1->2->3->4->5 - Akimbos and SMG(soldier) are default secondaries
//'Delete' to spawn as selected class
//'End' Spectate
//'Page Down' to cycle spawn points



bind "ins" "vstr team"

bind "home" "vstr class"

bind "pgup" "vstr weapon"

bind "del" "echo "^7Selection Incomplete!"

bind "end" "vstr speccy"

bind "pgdn" "vstr spawnpt"


//Team Selection

set team "vstr allies"

set axis "set team "vstr allies"; echo "^1Axis^7"; set class "vstr redsoldier"; vstr redsoldier"

set allies "set team "vstr axis"; echo "^4Allies^7"; set class "vstr bluesoldier"; vstr bluesoldier"


//Axis Classes

set redsoldier "echo "^1Axis ^7Soldier"; set weapon "vstr redSPanzer"; set class "vstr redmedic"; vstr redSPanzer"

set redmedic "echo "^1Axis ^7Medic"; set weapon "vstr redMSMG"; set class "vstr redengy"; vstr redMSMG"

set redengy "echo "^1Axis ^7Engineer"; set weapon "vstr redESMG"; set class "vstr redLT"; vstr redESMG"

set redLT "echo "^1Axis ^7Field Ops"; set weapon "vstr redLSMG"; set class "vstr redcovert; vstr redLSMG""

set redcovert "echo "^1Axis ^7Covert Ops"; set weapon "vstr redCSten"; set class "vstr redsoldier"; vstr redCSten"


//Allied Classes

set bluesoldier "echo "^4Allied ^7Soldier"; set weapon "vstr blueSPanzer"; set class "vstr bluemedic"; vstr blueSPanzer"

set bluemedic "echo "^4Allied ^7Medic"; set weapon "vstr blueMSMG"; set class "vstr blueengy"; vstr bluemSMG"

set blueengy "echo "^4Allied ^7Engineer"; set weapon "vstr blueESMG"; set class "vstr blueLT"; vstr blueeSMG"

set blueLT "echo "^4Allied ^7Field Ops"; set weapon "vstr blueLSMG"; set class "vstr bluecovert"; vstr blelSMG"

set bluecovert "echo "^4Allied ^7Covert Ops"; set weapon "vstr blueCSten"; set class "vstr bluesoldier"; vstr blueCsten"


//Axis Weapons

set redSPanzer "echo "^1Axis ^7Soldier ^0Panzer"; set weapon "vstr redSFlamer"; bind "DEL" vstr SredSpanzer"

set redSFlamer "echo "^1Axis ^7Soldier ^0Flamer"; set weapon "vstr redSMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SredSFlamer"

set redSMG "echo "^1Axis ^7Soldier ^0MG"; set weapon "vstr redSMortar"; bind "DEL" vstr SredSMG"

set redSMortar "echo "^1Axis ^7Soldier ^0Mortar"; set weapon "vstr redSSMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SredSMortar"

set redSSMG "echo "^1Axis ^7Soldier ^0MP40"; set weapon "vstr redSPanzer"; bind "DEL" vstr SredSSMG"


set redMSMG "echo "^1Axis ^7Medic ^0MP40"; set weapon "vstr redMSMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SredMSMG"


set redESMG "echo "^1Axis ^7Engineer ^0MP40"; set weapon "vstr redERifle"; bind "DEL" vstr SredESMG"

set redERifle "echo "^1Axis ^7Engineer ^0K43"; set weapon "vstr redESMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SredERifle"


set redLSMG "echo "^1Axis ^7Field Ops ^0MP40"; set weapon "vstr redLSMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SRedLSMG"


set redCSten "echo "^1Axis ^7Covert Ops ^0Sten"; set weapon "vstr redCFG42"; bind "DEL" vstr SredCSten"

set redCFG42 "echo "^1Axis ^7Covert Ops ^0FG-42"; set weapon "vstr redCRifle"; bind "DEL" vstr SredCFG42"

set redCRifle "echo "^1Axis ^7Covert Ops ^0K43"; set weapon "vstr redCSten"; bind "DEL" vstr SredCrifle"


//Allied Weapons

set blueSPanzer "echo "^4Allied ^7Soldier ^0Panzer"; set weapon "vstr blueSFlamer"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueSPanzer"

set blueSFlamer "echo "^4Allied ^7Soldier ^0Flamer"; set weapon "vstr blueSMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueSflamer"

set blueSMG "echo "^4Allied ^7Soldier ^0MG"; set weapon "vstr blueSMortarr"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueSMG"

set blueSMortar "echo "^4Allied ^7Soldier ^0Mortar"; set weapon "vstr blueSSMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueSMortar"

set blueSSMG "echo "^4Allied ^7Soldier ^0Thompson"; set weapon "vstr blueSPanzer"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueSSMG"


set blueMSMG "echo "^4Allied ^7Medic ^0Thompson"; set weapon "vstr blueMSMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueMSMG"


set blueESMG "echo "^4Allied ^7Engineer ^0Thompson"; set weapon "vstr blueERifle"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueESMG"

set blueERifle "echo "^4Allied ^7Engineer ^0Garand"; set weapon "vstr blueESMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueErifle"


set blueLSMG "echo "^4Allied ^7Field Ops ^0Thompson"; set weapon "vstr blueLSMG"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueLSMG"


set blueCSten "echo "^4Allied ^7Covert Ops ^0Sten"; set weapon "vstr blueCFG42"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueCSten"

set blueCFG42 "echo "^4Allied ^7Covert Ops ^0FG-42"; set weapon "vstr blueCRifle"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueCFG42"

set blueCRifle "echo "^4Allied ^7Covert Ops ^0Garand"; set weapon "vstr blueCSten"; bind "DEL" vstr SblueCRifle"


set SredSpanzer โ€œkill; team r 0 5 3"

set SredSFlamer โ€œkill; team r 0 6 3"

set SredSMG โ€œkill; team r 0 31 3"

set SredSmortar โ€œkill; team r 0 35 3"

set SredSSMG โ€œkill; team r 0 3 38"


set SredMSMG โ€œkill; team r 1 3 38"


set SredESMG โ€œkill; team r 2 3 38"

set SredErifle โ€œkill; team r 2 23 38"


set SredLSMG โ€œkill; team r 3 3 38"


set SredCSten โ€œkill; team r 4 10 38"

set SredCFG42 โ€œkill; team r 4 33 38"

set SredCrifle โ€œkill; team r 4 32 38"


set SblueSpanzer โ€œkill; team b 0 5 4"

set SblueSflamer โ€œkill; team b 0 5 4"

set SblueSMG โ€œkill; team b 0 31 4"

set SblueSmortar โ€œkill; team b 0 35 4"

set SblueSSMG โ€œkill; team b 0 4 37"


set SblueMSMG โ€œkill; team b 1 4 37"


set SblueESMG โ€œkill; team b 2 4 37"

set SblueErifle โ€œkill; team b 2 24 37"


set SblueLSMG โ€œkill; team b 3 4 37"


set SblueCsten โ€œkill; team b 4 10 37"

set SblueCFG42 โ€œkill; team b 4 33 37"

set SblueCrifle โ€œkill; team b 4 25 37"


//Spawn Point Cycler
//Having the files autoexec_[map name].cfg in your ETMain will do this.
//Be sure to change the echoes and numbers for custom maps.


set speccy "echo ^2[^7Spectator^2]^7; team s"


For the spawn selector you need the autoexec files that are currently in my ETPub. I’ll RAR them if someone wants them. They’re the cool ones too btw, in that you can spawn in the health and ammo hut in oasis, above the axis garrison etc. All the cool places you can’t normally spawn but are still coded into the maps.

Found this earlier going through etmain of an old install. Was adding in the anti-spam script Gambit posted up. Looking forward to trying it. ๐Ÿ˜€

Basic instructions:

Press Insert to toggle team – allies -> axis -> allies
Press home to cycle through classes – Soldier -> Medic -> Engy -> F Ops -> Covy -> Soldier
Press Page Up to cycle through weapons – note, akimbos are autoselected and so is SMG for soldier for the 2 handed slot
Then, Press delete to spawn. Pressing delete before pressing one of the other keys will not spawn you but instead give a message saying “Selection Incomplete”
Pressing End will instantly put you spectator.
Pressing page down will cycle through the spawn points for your team.

Here’s an example of the spawn point cycler for Oasis:

// Oasis spawn points

//allied spawnpoints
set blue1 "setspawnpt 2; echo ^0> ^7Spawn^0: ^7Start; set spawn_blue vstr blue2"
set blue2 "setspawnpt 1; echo ^0> ^7Spawn^0: ^7Old City (Ammo Bunker); set spawn_blue vstr blue3" 
set blue3 "setspawnpt 3; echo ^0> ^7Spawn^0: ^7Old City (Flag); set spawn_blue vstr blue1" 
set spawn_blue vstr blue1
//axis spawnpoints
set red1 "setspawnpt 2; echo ^0> ^7Spawn^0: ^7Old City (Flag); set spawn_red vstr red2"
set red2 "setspawnpt 1; echo ^0> ^7Spawn^0: ^7Axis Garrison; set spawn_red vstr red3"
set red3 "setspawnpt 4; echo ^0> ^7Spawn^0: ^7Axis Side Garrison; set spawn_red vstr red1"
set spawn_red vstr red1

echo "^0> ^7Oasis Spawns loaded^0!"

Allies: by default you spawn at start – only place you can spawn at beginning of map.
After pressing page down, you then will spawn at the ammo bunker in the old city – the room that has ammo in it
Pressing page down again will spawn you in the flag room. And yet again will take you back to the Oasis spawn – beginning allies spawn with the first pump.

Axis spawns are also mentioned.

Note: I have scripts to cover the following maps:
Braundorf b4
Cathedral Final
ET Beach
ET Ice
Reactor Final
Supply Depot
Supply Depot 2
SW Goldrush TE
SW Oasis B3

That said, I’ve only looked at oasis today. Not sure if the other maps are as nicely done as it is.

Looking through the code you’ll notice I like echoes. Basically every time you press one of the 6 keys, something will echo.
Also, I realise that the class selector can be done a different way. This script is about two years old. I haven’t used a spawn selector in over a year, but upon seeing it I’d like to start again.

Anyways. If the coders can comment giving any feedback, that’d be cool. Feel free to use the script too. If you want the spawn selector, I’ll RAR and ZIP the .cfg’s and post both up so that you guys can choose if you prefer .RAR or .ZIP – some people don’t have programs to extract the contents of RAR files.

Love Admiral, xoxo


Just checked, all the other maps have all the spawn points available too: eg Fueldump allies can spawn at Garage, axis can spawn at fueldump and lower fueldump.

Any errors, hit me up. Haven’t tested half the maps or the script and I just made a few tiny changes today. Enjoy, hope you all pwn harder and enjoy the cool new places you can spawn at.

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i got one set for etpro that just uses the 4 directional arrow keys, anyone wants just yodle

spawn selectors + class script for tonnes of maps

Reputable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 261

ive got all the spawn selectors for all the maps, class and team binds which are different to yours etc ill try post up my spawn point cfg for all gamearena maps and many more standard and mosty popular maps played to this day


Noble Member
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OMG, you guys have such complicated configs.

Just the very basics for me, too many buttons/commands to remember and i get confused and end up nading a team mate, or attacking the enemy with a medpack ๐Ÿ™„

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

Estimable Member
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Posts: 92

nice one. my etpro spawn selector does not work with etpub, yet, so i might pull this one apart for the goods.


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my spawn selector doesnt work often on etpub idk y


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Sill Gema and Buzz. You’re missing a cvar. cl_EnableHacks 1. It’s what all the cool kids like Prince and I use.

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My script is the best.
I made a whole graphical user interface for my script that has a map, flags and little icons for each class.
I even haxed it onto the server so now you download it and is readily available to you.
Just press L. Doesn’t even need to be a capital l, just that one key.
Man I’m awesome ๐Ÿ˜€
But in all seriousness, pretty cool script there admiral, you must have been pretty bored :P.


Reputable Member
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Posts: 261

ok ill try that, might try it on pbban enabled servers, thanks for introducing me to such an awesome command


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My script is the best.
I made a whole graphical user interface for my script that has a map, flags and little icons for each class.
I even haxed it onto the server so now you download it and is readily available to you.
Just press L. Doesn’t even need to be a capital l, just that one key.
Man I’m awesome ๐Ÿ˜€
But in all seriousness, pretty cool script there admiral, you must have been pretty bored :P.


At that stage it was the closest I got to programming, and was quite excited. All my scripts are about two years old, apart from my zoom script, which was early last year. That script pwns hard. bind m weapalt ftw.

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lol i need a decent dyna timer script. i got a dyna timer but its auto and counts down from 30 whe team plants and shows coordinates or if enemy plants just shows coordinates


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Isn’t that the default one that comes with one of the mods?

Other dyno timers are illegal in GA matches. I think I have one somewhere though. It only works for the default maps, and I don’t think it matters that much. I just glance at my clock when I hear ‘planted’.

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yeah thats kinda wat im talking bout i want like a script that counts down in team say each second admiral up for it?


Estimable Member
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nice script

should be stickied imo

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or admiral it counts down the last 5 seconds of the dyna before it blows but that involves 25 seconds that it counts by itself… idk

