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Fps problem and upg…
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Fps problem and upgrade suggestions

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Estimable Member
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my fps has gone from 100 percent 125-333 stable to 125-15fps by shoting wtf ?

i read about bandio an i have this gfx card NVIDIA PhysX

also buying new mouse, mouse mat an headphones any suggestions would be good ?

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
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!fixgfx !fixnet commands see how that goes

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Joined: 16 years ago
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O and update drivers if any from the nvidia web site

Eminent Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 28

fps can come from computer over load ( working to hard) ram and processor issues

graphics card having problems being to hot out of date drivers or dieing all together

game using more then it should

really its just about trouble shooting the issues till you find the problem then fix it, it could all be that you have to much dust on the gpu and you need to clean it to you g card having issues in the heat

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yeah i havent cleaned it since ive had it =P ill try doing that lol.
