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GTK radiant help pl…
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GTK radiant help please

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So i download the gtk radiant to make a map (im learning so far with videos) anyway so far so good and when i went to add textures to walls i had none but the names of the texture was still there can anyone help please? if anyone knows how to do it 🙂


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I have used it like 4 years ago… so from memory (please correct me if I ‘m wrong), you import all the textures for the pak0.pk3.. then you can just select them as textures and add them to the sides of walls etc.. for maps. Those blank ones are previously important textures that just cannot be found in their location you previously exported them too.. (dont’ quote me on that one though).

Kind Regards, Black Racoon

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Ive been map modding for about 6 months now, its not something you will learn over night.
Best you start with RTFM –>

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Ive been map modding for about 6 months now, its not something you will learn over night.
Best you start with RTFM –>

Another Exert from that FAQ area –

Why won’t my textures/models show up when I open a map?
Radiant needs to know the path to the engine. Set it in Edit > Preferences > Settings > Paths.

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ok i cheacked it open GTk radaint it when to perances and i kinda got lost it said texture edit AND paths witch one do i go to im useing 1.3 version

br i didnt get what ya ment lol sorry but yea still need help

if there is a doco or something for my vesion can some on post it here please


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ok i cheacked it open GTk radaint it when to perances and i kinda got lost it said texture edit AND paths witch one do i go to im useing 1.3 version

br i didnt get what ya ment lol sorry but yea still need help

if there is a doco or something for my vesion can some on post it here please

Dude, your spelling is shocking, start using spell check or watch your posts get deleted until you learn to spell check.

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uhh…ok i opend my GTKradiant and tryed to do what it said on the link you gave me skank and it said go to Edit > Preferences > Settings > Paths but mine looks different all i need is for my textures back lol, what BR said i did not follow cause i got lost after he said this “you import all the textures for the pak0.pk3.. then you can just select them as textures and add them to the sides of walls”
here is a picture of mine please help me skank (if i need more help il try and talk to you on MSN ) 🙂


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Stop using the old 1.3 version and get the most current version 1.5
Thats the first mistake your making is by using a older out of date version.

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ok done i got the new GTkradiant its looks so much different but its all good, Ok now how would i get textures (i cant find the textures option but is there a shortcut button ) can you please tell me were that is, THEN tell me how to get it to find and see textures please like the battary walls (etc) please skank you can send me an e-mail on this site to tell me what to do next 🙂

Thanks for this skank 🙂


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:rnade: :rnade: w00T!! skank i worked it out i got my textures BUT how do i open a map to edit it like goldrush (etc) cause i wanner edit a few maps and i should be set from the skank so please help 🙂


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Honestly, there is just way too much to try and explain and teach you about mapping, via forums and msn.
Your best bet of learning, like what Ive done, is using google and spending hours reading tutorials and manuals.

I’ll kick start you with a good turtorial –>

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ok thanks skank

