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YES MAN! MAN UP! and say NO! to this unnatural and degrading procedure…


If it aint fcked, DONT FIX IT!

Hundreds of medical research articles and several books by numerous doctors over the last three decades have examined the issues of vasectomy and the effects the procedure can have on the body. A partial list of these articles can be found in the reference section of the web site. Unfortunately, much of that information has been well concealed from the public eye. Studies and cases have described findings of increased incidences of many disorders, including:

· Adrenal gland dysfunction
· Atheosclerosis (hardening of the arteries leading to heart disease)
· Autoimmune orchitis (degeneration of testicular tissues due to antibody action)
· Chronic inflammation including the formation of sperm granulomas
· Chronic testicular pain (Post-Vasectomy Pain Syndrome)
· Circulatory problems including phlebitis
· Congestive and infectious epididymitis
· Decreased testicular function including changes in testosterone production
· Diabetes
· Erectile dysfunction/impotence
· Gangrene of the scrotum and other serious infections
· Generalized lymph node enlargement
· Hypoglycemia
· Life-long autoimmune (allergic) responses
· Liver dysfunction
· Loss of libido
· Lung cancer
· Lupus
· Migraine and other related headaches
· Multiple myeloma
· Multiple sclerosis
· Narcolepsy
· Neuropathy (nerve pain and damage)
· Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
· Personality disturbances
· Prostate cancer
· Prostatitis
· Pulmonary embolism
· Rheumatoid arthritis
· Scrotal and epididymal cyst formation including Spermatocele and Hydrocele cysts
· Staph infections including infections of the heart valves
· Testicular atrophy (shrinking of the testicles)
· Testicular cancer
· Urolithiasis (kidney stones).
· Vasitis nodosa (chronic inflammation of the vas deferens)

Personaly, I wouldn’t to that my boys for any kent. ( unless she threatens me too much ) ;>

I hope this helps you with your decision Noob and the very best of luck to you mate 🙂

“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

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Okay, so it seems that this is a reasonably hot topic, so I have added a poll for this thread.

Also – frog I like the way you think. So far your suggestions are winning. Partial credit to gutz.


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Don’t worry noob, Dr Cheekz is here to save the day 🙂

Step 1: “Consult” a Dr after hours about the procedure.
Well that’s what you tell the misses whilst in actual fact you go to a strip joint to enjoy some jubblies.

Step 2: Report to the misses about a possible complication you may experience due to your “special” sausage.
Make up some big medical words such as Rhinoplastopenilejitus or phallasophicoraftus syndrome and continue to hammer that message down and tell her due to your condition you must consult with a few more Dr’s about the procedure and possible alternatives(be sure to bring some more cash to the strip joint this time and spoil yourself with a lappy or two).
If the misses wants to go with you tell her its all after hour consults and you would rather do it hans solo!

Step 3: After a few ‘consults’ visit a travel agent.
Book yourself a flight to Singapore to visit the Marina Bay Sky Park to pee in the infinity pool up top 🙂
Tell your misses you have to go to Singapore because the best Dr for the procedure is there and its $5000 cheaper to get it done there as well.
Again you must do this hans solo or bring a mate since she has to stay home to take care of the kiddies.

Step 4: Enjoy the holiday and create a fake medical slip.

Step 5: After a refreshing week away from the family come home and tell the misses it was a complete success. Show her how they did a wonderful job with pin hole surgery inserting the snipper up your urethra and lots of sex is required for rehab purposes!

Step 6: OMG she’s preggers!!! Blame her friskiness and tell her you have to bone someone to even things out.

Step 7: Build on the number over the course of your remaining years until you’ve reached OVER 9000!

Step 8: Thank me.

Alternative is to tazer her and take her to a shady Dr like Dr Patel to perform the snip on her or go cheap and DIY, I hear theres some informative info on wiki and google search.
When she wakes up tell her how worried you were and say that you had your snip done during her state of unconsciousness(again use the key hole surgery through the urethra + lots of sex for rehab!)

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Okay, so it seems that this is a reasonably hot topic, so I have added a poll for this thread.

Go forth and multiply? Man, I thought it was go forth and die.


Honorable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 641

I have added a poll for this thread.

Meh, why bother? you’ll just end up doing what the boss says anyway aye mate ;>


“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

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Lung Cancer

Is that for real, I don’t mean to sound ignorant but I don’t see the connection with Lung Cancer and having a vasectomy…

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option 3 noob we go get our bach pad and just pay for hookers till we are 80 and have lots of kids to random strangers that we dont remember but just deny lmao


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Seriously dont do it. Your come will taste different after it.

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Posts: 385

have to ask how you know this joy lol


Honorable Member
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Seriously dont do it. Your come will taste different after it.

There we have it. Straight from the horses mouth. Or should I say… nah, I won’t go there.

Honorable Member
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Seriously dont do it. Your come will taste different after it.

She has a good point there Mrs Noob.

“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

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Seriously dont do it. Your come will taste different after it.

You really are a naughty young lady arent you?


Noble Member
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Joy you are a a shocker lol…………………..and Froggie – a perfect opportunity and you passed it up????????????????????? FAIL!!!!!!!!

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Lol, I cant help myself though

Honorable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 613

Joy you are a a shocker lol…………………..and Froggie – a perfect opportunity and you passed it up????????????????????? FAIL!!!!!!!!

We all know there were about 47 OZ admins in cars all outside my building getting ready to complete a sting operation. This is what comes from too many over-regulating failmins: no lols.

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