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How to Use ET Comma…
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[Sticky] How to Use ET Commands

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Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007
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Ingame Stuff to know for all levels (including level 0)

This have been requested and also I have noticed quite a few players not sure on this, even those that have played for years, who just haven’t really explored ET that much, and just pew pew.Well here is a simple tutorial for those who don’t know

    1. To open the console in et push the button to the left of 1 the tilde key ~ . Once you are in console this is where you type in commands to make them do their magic.
    2. To Private message someone individually on the server type m theplayersname “Your message”. The players name does not need to be entire just part of it or enough for it to more unique then other players name so it doesn’t send it someone else with a similar name.
    3. If you are a Gold Donator or above you get OZ Chat which. To use this do ma “Your message”. This message will get sent to all other gold donators and above leveled players.
    4. Everyone even level 0 people have a few commands. To see what commands you have type !help . This will display all the commands available to you.
    5. If you are unsure of what a command does you can type !help commandname (WITHOUT THE ! for the command you are trying to get help with. E.g. !help admintest .
    6. To do any of the commands available to you, type !command, some commands have extra paramaters (this means they require additional extra information, such as !mute. If you had the command mute, to mute a player you would need the !mute playername, where playername is the extra information.

Kind Regards, BR
