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[Sticky] Lag every 30 Seconds or so HOW TO FIX HERE!

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Okay so their have been quite a few complaints of BR u have lagzor on ur lagzor server… Ok let me rule a few things out.

Only get it when their more people on the server? Then it is you. I have checked our server we are running on a very expensive dedicated 100mbit uplink server quad core 32gb of ram so it is definitely not he server. Their have been checks and they are monitored for traffic use and they are running at low traffic use anyhow so its once again NOT THE SERVER.

So enough of my whining I guess you want to know how to fix it.
There are two very common types of lag that people complain about and are happening to various poeple.

1. – Every 30 seconds or minute or even 20 seconds I get these freezes and I even get connection interrupted for a few seconds then it goes back to normal again. Its really annoying and makes it hard to shoot in long battles. This is caused by Windows wireless service rescanning for wireless network every so often oftenly every 60 seconds and is not noticeable while using the net normallly however very annoying when playing games as it creates spikes during gaming. This is very common and is a windows problem and can occur on both Vista and Xp. This is how to fix it for XP.

Note: This will only occur if you are on a home wireless network and are connecting to your router wirelessely.

FIX for XP

– Download BVRP connection Manager, you can use
[url] … te_ENU.exe[/url]

1. Install this and configure it to your desired home/personal settings.
2. Connect to your wireless network using the connection Manager.
3. The last step is to disable the windows wireless service go to run->services.msc->wireless Zero configuration->right click->properties-> startup=disabled->click STOP->apply changes and then test then reconnect to the wireless network with BVRP connection manager lite if it disconnected you.
4. Run ET and see if it has made a difference anyone that has had this problem I have used BVRP as it was the first wireless connection manager I had found to be good, feel free to use others however the problem fix mainly lies in the disabling of the wireless zero configuration service being disabled.

FIX for Vista

To fix for vista

1. [url] …[/url]
2. Unzip it using an extractor of some form winrar, 7zip, winzip.
3. Run it and play ET


– The second problem resides with the ram usage et is allowed to use which can be set through this command com_hunkmegs “#”. However you can not set this command in game as it will forever make it latched therefore meaning it will take affect next restart of ET however it will never do that! So to do it this is how.

1. Go to your ET Directory, for most users C:Program FilesEnemy-Territory
2. Right Click on the file ET.exe and choose create shortcut.
3. Right click on the shortcut file and choose properties down the very bottom.
4. Click on the shortcut tab at the top of the new window if its not already on that tab.
5. In the box with Target: in front of it after everything in that box put a space and type after it +set com_hunkmegs “512”

An e.g. of what the target field will look like is

"C:Program FilesEnemy TerritoryET.exe" +set com_hunkmegs 512

Note: By default ET uses 64MB of Ram, also I do not recommend using more then 1/2 of your actual physical ram, mine is set at 512 and I have found that sufficient for a full server of 32 Players you don’t have to go up by 64, 256, 512 you could have 300 if that’s all that is required for you.

I Dearly hope this will help anyone will problems and just a quick disclaimer I take no responsibility for anyone who doesn’t understand completely and makes a mistake and something happens however take in mind out of both of these problems and fixes nothing overly terrible will happen like your computer blow up or you OS(Operating System) Crash or anything like that. If something goes wrong reverse what you have done just follow the steps backward.

Cheers BR This took my 28 minutes to write so I hope this has helped someone. + I been away alot so I guess this is my sorry XD

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 249

Hey BR
I have my hunkmegs set at 512 already, but didnt realise it stays as latched. I dont want to do the above option coz that means I have to use the shortcut in order for it to work, not use xfire and connect directly to the server. how can I make sure it stays at 512? I have set the code in etconfig file and an autoexec file i created for my scripts…but it doesnt seem to work ๐Ÿ™ ideas?

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 249

never mind ๐Ÿ˜€ i found the problem. I had to change it in the profile config files too!!
