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Low grapics configuration

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*NC*Joke here…

Alright, as I promised in-game, here are some cvars you might want to try out to see how they affect on what you can see and how much they can help improve your fps. These are in no certain order, but I’ll try to mark those which will help most.

r_picmip (0-3)
Higher value will decrease the details of the textures, but can help with fps.

cg_wolfparticles (0-1)
All the explosions from artys, mortars, grenades…Disable this if you can’t do anything if you see an arty in your screen. This is a huge helper on older computers. Just watch out as you won’t be able to see the artys as well as with it.

cg_atmosphericeffects (0-1)
The weather effects like snow and rain. Won’t help with fog, but having this on is useless as it only hinders your vision and fps.

r_dynamiclight (0-1)
Very minor tweak for fps. Might want to try it, but don’t expect much.

cg_shadows (0-1)
Shadows are useless, so turn this off for small help.

r_detailtextures (0-1)
Disabling this will cause objects to be textured only once, so this is a nice boost for fps.

r_subdivisions (0-999)
Minor help. Go with default unless you’re very desperate.

(low quality): GL_NEAREST
(good quality): GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST (a.k.a. bilinear filtering)
(great quality): GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (a.k.a. trilinear filtering)
(good quality): GL_LINEAR

I recommend GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST as it seems to ofer the best fps, but feel free to try the others to see if your card is faster with something else.

r_fastsky (0-1)
r_drawsun (0-1)
Enabling fastsky and disabling drawsun might yield you a slight improvement to fps.

s_doppler (0-1)
Disable the doppler effect for minor fps increase.

cg_gibs (0-1)
Disables the body parts drawn after gibbing somebody. Slight increase when you don’t have that much video RAM.

cg_marks (0-1)
Bulletholes and similar. Disabling with help with fps.

cg_brassTime (0-1)
Shells and cartridges. Disable for boost on fps.

Sound quality. Default is 22, but setting this to low quality (value of 11) does help with fps.

Controls the delay used to mix and combine sounds, if set too low can cause ‘crackles’ and ‘distortion’ or reduced sound quality. Can help with FPS, default setting is 0.2 but a setting of 0.14 seems a ‘safe’ compromise on majority of systems for that little bit extra FPS. Avoid setting this cvar to less than 0.1 or you will experience sound problems. (quoted from )

r_detailtextures, Cg_atmosphericeffects and cg_wolfparticles are the best helpers here. In the end, I can’t give you much more than these as it’s so dependant on your computer and what is your aim for fps.

quoted from a person in my clan

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Very Helpful, thankyou

I have used this in teh configuration for no lag. If you are still experiencing lag on teh server after using the config I would recommend reading the other post about network lag or freezing related to wireless network lag. Otherwise if you stil experiencing severe lag make a post on the forums and we will gladly help you out.

Kind Regards, BR

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i found a cfg for as the name say’s “save fps” and i am currently using it i had to edit a few things i did not like But this is the raw one how i got it.So edit as you need it,If you even want it. said:
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The ones I would use to generaly imrpove the graphics AND GAMEPPLAY are these;

seta cg_atmosphericEffects “0” —> This removes snow, rain etc. Helps improve aiming at long distances as well.
seta b_muzzleflash “0” —> Removes the light flash when firing. You do not want this when shooting enemies at longer distances as well.
seta cg_coronafardist “0” —> Removes the glowing around lights etc. (from memory im not sure)
seta cg_bloodFlash “0” —> No need for red bloobs of blood to appear when you take damage.
seta cg_showblood “0” —> Once again no need to see blood on other people. We all know what it looks like.
seta cg_marktime “0” —> How long mark left by bullets are visible etc.
seta cg_brassTime “0” —> How long bullet shells are visible etc.
seta cg_shadows “0” —> Only help you would get from shadows is to see if someone is standing around the corner but generally people dont take notice.
seta r_dynamiclight “0” —> Beautifull lighting….who has the time to take notice?
seta r_drawSun “0” —> Everyone knows what the sun looks like.
seta r_fastsky “1” —> Removes the sky and makes it grey; who has time to imagine what shapes the clouds take.
seta cg_wolfparticles “0” —> Explosions etc are removed. Helps to see through airstrikes etc.

seta com_maxfps “125” —> This one is perhaps one of the most important. Set it too high and you will get graphical glitches, aspecially when alot of things are happening (including people). Set it to a reasonable value so that when you have chaos happening around you, you dont get FPS dropping too drastically. To view your fps type this in the command box (seta cg_drawfps 1). You will always get some FPS loss but you dont want your game to graphically glitch so badly that it looks like it has frozen.

These changes will improve both your graphical performance and gameplay. These were the settings I used.

