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OK im now taking requests -=CGFs=-

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Hello Everybody!, ok so i made a new cfg the other day and everyone wants it -.- so instead of mine. you tell me what you want and i’ll makes you one

pm me or just post here

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I want a CFG to make me a GOD when playing ET, I don’t want to die very often, I want to respawn instantly, I want at least 90% accuracy and I want the most kills each game. In addition I want the CFG to get rid of my grey hair and wrinkles and take at least 40 years off my age and turn me into a chick magnet. That’ll keep you focused for a while ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜›

Forgot to mention I’d also like to win Lotto ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†


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i can give ya a basic one if u want =P

Honorable Member
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fix the gay problems in my one
wen u see me on msn/xfire ask me 4 it

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i make cfg’s betta than abo any day tbh :flamer:

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i make cfg’s betta than abo any day tbh :flamer:

yeah stinger i might be looking for a newer one… with my current one im egtting to the point i cant improve and more with it


Estimable Member
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i make cfg’s betta than abo any day tbh :flamer:

yeah stinger i might be looking for a newer one… with my current one im egtting to the point i cant improve and more with it

send me your current ill have a play with it

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How bout making me one?? Need anything to improve ๐Ÿ™

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can someone compress Ulti’s.cfg into a RaR file and upload it here thanks?!


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ultis cfg is built for a decent computer. Mine couldnt handle it.

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Ultis old cfg from a few years back (even last year) was built for a lower range computer. When i was first looking at cfgs i asked him who’s cfg would be best for my computer which was pretty much the worst to play et on, he gave me his and it worked fine. Not sure if he changed it, when i had a break for a while i got a better pc and so the new cfg may be for a better comp im not exactly sure.

Configs were designed for personal preferences. That’s why i never really understood how people can like other people making their configs. Jump on vent with people that know how to help and are willing to. Once you know how to make your own you will only improve your own game. Of course you can try other configs to get settings etc you like but yeah.

If someone wants some help i could probs help them out, im not an animal at configs but i can tweak them to what i like. I have ultis one somewhere middy, not sure how i can upload it here but.

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I think G-Train has like hundreds lol. I have Lammy’s cfg, Ulti, sNoOp, mAus, riCo. If u want my advice just go with default cfg in terms of graphics cuz it seems to run rly smooth, just tweak certain elements like rain ect. Find a sensitivity that suits you, thats the most important thing. FPS capped at 125 if your comp can handle it, rate at 25000 and maxpackets at 100. Makes the game run a whole lot smoother.

There are also heaps of scripts out there that can help you and ARENT banned haha. Just make a cfg that suits you, ive tried heaps of other people cfg’s over the years and everytime i go back to the one i made. Its all down to personal preference. Just because someone pro has their own cfg it dosent mean that it will necessarily suit u.
