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ok some of us have gotten this so i went to PB and ..

Saturday 06.27.2009 [7:30PM]

Version 1.747 of the PB Server for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release.

i have updated my Pb now with so here goes hope it doesnt boot after every map 🙂 said:
your a drunken idiot

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ahhh so thats the prob

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Ok still not fixed u last a bit longer on Updating pB but still does boot GOD DAMMED PB!

Gonna put in a support ticket! said:
your a drunken idiot

Member Admin
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Same here mate, thankyou for checking it out. I was just about to leave the server when i got booted from pb “grrrr u PB!, deciding when i can game or not!”.

Cheers BR

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Makes PB try to register a cd key

verifies that your cd key is getting sent

/pb_cdkeyverauto 1

That is what evenbalance told me to do hope it helps! said:
your a drunken idiot

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Thanks LeStat, that worked!

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Thanks LeStat, that worked!

where do we enter those commands, staty?

In console?

Do we only have to do it once? (I hope so) 😕

Are the players still getting kicked with this error?

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Grr, error is back again for me, even after doing this.

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@mat: yup in console 🙂

ok well if i get the prob i will submit more to eb ….also they told me to

ping -n 20

Some users reported that disabling the software PeerGuardian fixed the issue.

When the ping shows 100% loss, try the following:
Find the hosts file in C:WINNTsystem32driversetc and open it with a plain text editor. Add

as the last line, then save the file and try playing again. If you encounter any problems in future, remember to remove that line from the hosts file again

when i ping em i get 230ms LAG much PB rofl! said:
your a drunken idiot

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Heres a fix to this problem if people are still getting this:

PB_SV_GUIDRelax [0-7]
Defaults to 0; Controls PunkBuster’s kicking behavior related to GUIDS; A Value of 1 means PB will not kick for UNKN (Unknown) GUIDs; A Value of 2 means PB will not kick for WRONGIP GUIDs (these are GUIDS which are valid but not from the IP Address the player is connecting from); A Value of 4 means PB will not kick for DUPLICATE GUIDs; These values (1, 2 and 4) can be combined to achieve the desired behavior.

So set ‘/pb_sv_GUIDRelax 1’ in the server config someone who has access.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Cheeks knows the score.

by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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only BR can add that value 🙁 as no-one else has any kind of access to add it. said:
your a drunken idiot

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Hello mate, until furthur notice or until a corect fix is implemented by PB for our server I will jsut relax the kicking of GUID kicking for the moment. *Hoping there will not be too much abuse to from this action*

Thankyou for all suggestions so far,

Kind Regards, BR

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Hi guys,

I can’t remember if if this is a problem that I had once, but I remember I could change my CD Key. To do this go to your etmain folder and find the file “etkey”. Then just simply delete it. Yes that’s right delete it. Dont worry it won’t harm et or your computer. Next time you play online, a new cdkey will be automatically created for you!

Warning: this may wipe all of the XP points you have worked for.

Hope this works, but like I said I can’t remember I this is the correct solution.

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Hi guys,

I can’t remember if if this is a problem that I had once, but I remember I could change my CD Key. To do this go to your etmain folder and find the file “etkey”. Then just simply delete it. Yes that’s right delete it. Dont worry it won’t harm et or your computer. Next time you play online, a new cdkey will be automatically created for you!

Warning: this may wipe all of the XP points you have worked for.

Hope this works, but like I said I can’t remember I this is the correct solution.

it WILL remove all XP,as etkey is where all user data is stored,And secondly that is not what this problem was about. said:
your a drunken idiot
