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Please read im sorr…
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Please read im sorry

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Joined: 15 years ago
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Hi on wolf-Et i got on the server ozclan alot ( my name on there is myloh some of u know me as the hacker but i wasent hacking it was a bug on my pc witch i have fixed now and after that i accoused people of hacking witch was stuiped of me. I was wondring if it ok to unmute me please the next time a admit of the server comes on on the server im sorry on the way i behaved and it hard for me to play with out talking so im very sorry

Thanks for reading. Hope to become friends soon.

P.S I cant spell 🙁


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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 174

next time you are on, pm (private message) me so i can unmute you.

to do a private message press ~ then type… /m Ry4n (type message here).

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Really thank you very much. Soon as i get on il do that.


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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 174

np m8, sorted and locked
