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Weapon damage
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Weapon damage

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Hi, any chance someone could post up a complete list of the damage from all the weapons? I’m sure thered be more than a few people interested to check it out.

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AFAIK it’s default w/sten + 1dmg and fg42 -1dmg. I think splash is increased aswell….An admin will confirm this for you.

half your skill is in your config

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Thanks for actually asking a question almost politely, without any kind of spin, appreciated.

Here are the current dmg settings. May change, but don’t often.

g_dmgKnife 10
g_dmgSten 15
g_dmgFG42 14
g_dmgPistol 18
g_dmgSMG 18
g_dmgMG42 18
g_dmgMG 20
g_dmgFG42Scope 30
g_dmgInfRifle 34
g_dmgSniper 60
g_dmgHeadShotMin 50
g_dmgHeadShotRatio 2.0
g_dmgFlamer 5
g_dmgGrenade 250
g_dmgGrenadeRadius 250
g_dmgGLauncher 250
g_dmgGLauncherRadius 250
g_dmgLandmine 400
g_dmgLandmineRadius 250
g_dmgSatchel 250
g_dmgSatchelRadius 250
g_dmgPanzer 400
g_dmgPanzerRadius 300
g_dmgMortar 400
g_dmgMortarRadius 400
g_dmgDynamite 400
g_dmgDynamiteRadius 400
g_dmgAir 400
g_dmgAirRadius 400
g_dmgArty 400
g_dmgArtyRadius 400

Feel free to give feedback, but please keep the thread related to weapon damage, and not other things.

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Landmines are at 400??? if its going to be set at such high levels then it’ll be fairer to set a lower splash radius to about 100-150.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Mortar and panza splash radius 50, kgo ๐Ÿ˜›

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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wow landmine dmg + splash is pretty high, lower one or the other imo it should be splash u lower not damage. or you could just lower the amount of landmines per team or a combination of all this, but i think landmine is too strong with the current settings.

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Thanks for actually asking a question almost politely, without any kind of spin, appreciated.

Where did this come from? I’m always polite and straighforward. Perhaps you are thinking of someone else.

wow landmine dmg + splash is pretty high, lower one or the other imo it should be splash u lower not damage. or you could just lower the amount of landmines per team or a combination of all this, but i think landmine is too strong with the current settings.

No joke, some maps get rediculous when the other team landimes the entire objective with 14000 mines.

In other news I thought the sten was meant to be a silenced version of the mp40? It’s actually weaker? No wonder its tough in duels when a covie has less health, a less damage dealing weap and no self healing. Also make fg default damage again. Quit picking on covies they are the least played class in the game and yet you still see reason to nerf them.

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The higher damage of mines, morta and so on is simply to combat the rediculous steroid medic class.
It the medic class health was lowered there would be no need for such higher setttings of the weapons.

Lets face it the rambo run pack pack medics nerf this game at the best of time, they make objectives 10 times harder than normal.
If mines are set any lower medics just play hop scotch on half a dozen mines and self pack a couple of times and move on.

Whats everyones thoughts about lowering the overall max health of medics if other weapons classes are lowered as well ?

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Medic health levels are fine IMHO. Nothing wrong with encouraging people to pack needles instead of ammo crates.

Mines are okay too.


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I think everything is fine, but maybe lower the splash area for mines if your gunna have them at 400 dmg

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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The higher damage of mines, morta and so on is simply to combat the rediculous steroid medic class.
It the medic class health was lowered there would be no need for such higher setttings of the weapons.

Didn’t you lower the rate of health regen and max health of medics in a previous update?

If mines are set any lower medics just play hop scotch on half a dozen mines and self pack a couple of times and move on.

What’s wrong with that??? The thing is having such a high damage rate plus the splash radius greatly disadvantages players who aren’t medics.

Whats everyones thoughts about lowering the overall max health of medics if other weapons classes are lowered as well ?

F2, should lower either mine damage or mine splash radius. I mean come on, 2 mines placed close together will deal more damage than a dyno.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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with the way the mines are set up at the moment, 2 would do the trick for a medic at full health, i doubt he could “hop sctotch” over more than that.

this just makes it impossible for anyone that isnt a medic as has already been said.

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Didn’t you lower the rate of health regen and max health of medics in a previous update?

Nope, we did do some in game live testing checking various health regen settings and disabling of medic self heal, but that was just testing.

What’s wrong with that???

Isnt it obvious, mines dont kill medics lol

The thing is having such a high damage rate plus the splash radius greatly disadvantages players who aren’t medics.

No it doesnt, even on a lower setting it still instantly kills other classes or leaves them with 10 or 15hp which is as good as dead, they cant pack.

F2, should lower either mine damage or mine splash radius. I mean come on, 2 mines placed close together will deal more damage than a dyno.

Errr wrong, on the previous settings you needed 4 mines grouped on top of each other to kill a medic. Mines arnt any different than sniper arguements about 1 HS = KILL.

this just makes it impossible for anyone that isnt a medic as has already been said.

Correct, even on the lower setting, wich is way back before xmas, any other class other than medic would get killed anyhow.
So it makes no difference to other classes other than medics, either way, lower or higher, they still diel. The only variable is medic class.

Any lets face it, in general most people that always play as medic rambo’s just want to run around nailing everone, run pack pack, yah im fragger every map.
So if a 1 trip mine kills them and upsets their pro 4.0 KD so be it, I dont think your going to hear anyone else playing other classes getting upset about it.
Look at the overall picture here, we are trying to maintain some equal ballance across the board for everyone playing the game.

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Nope, we did do some in game live testing checking various health regen settings and disabling of medic self heal, but that was just testing.

Then why not implement the lower regen and lower max health?

Isnt it obvious, mines dont kill medics lol

As I said nothing wrong with mines not being able to kill medics on the long hop.

No it doesnt, even on a lower setting it still instantly kills other classes or leaves them with 10 or 15hp which is as good as dead, they cant pack.

Having 10hp-15hp left is better than straight on dead.
I mean objectives are hard enough to get to let alone its mostly guarded by someone so why make it even harder with instant kill mines?

Errr wrong, on the previous settings you needed 4 mines grouped on top of each other to kill a medic.

I said 2 mines placed close together not on top. That is medics hopping down trips mine 1 and is bounced to mine 2 = 400dmg + 400dmg – some small splash fall off right?
The thing is the increased damage combats rambo medics but not everyone plays medic or is capable of being a rambo medic.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Then why not implement the lower regen and lower max health?

Because that created more tears than anyone passing comments about mine damage levels.

As I said nothing wrong with mines not being able to kill medics on the long hop.

I didnt say there was and Im not going to make an arguement about it either, Your entitled to your opinion too.

I mean objectives are hard enough to get to let alone its mostly guarded by someone so why make it even harder with instant kill mines?

Well thats one way to look at it, as its your opinion. But Im pretty sure its more annoying having a team of medic rambos pooning the opposition as per most of the time.
They dont call it “STAXIS” for nothing, look at who the regulars are always wanting to stack on axis, always medics, run pack pack, I dont hear them crying about it.

I said 2 mines placed close together not on top. That is medics hopping down trips mine 1 and is bounced to mine 2

Been there, we spent hours doing lots of tests and playing out various senarios comprising medics and mines, this is what we found to be the best ballance.

Unless we nerf the medic class by either lowering the overall medic class health, stoping self healing or lowering the regen times you have to get use to it sorry.
Everyone else has been ok with it to the best of my knowlege, I havent heard anyone QQ’n in game about mine damage and its been set like so for 7 weeks now.

If youve got any other suggestions about altering the medic class settings that works, then altering the mine damage settings is posible,
We are open to suggestions and discussions about it all. Cheers ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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