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I’m SolidScale, the friend mentioned in this introduction here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5509

I play Soldier, Spy, Demo and Scout in that order of efficiency. Rocket Jumping and Equalizer to the face is my game, I play defensive and offensive well, and I’m generally pretty wreckless. I love being a distraction at times, but am usually just as effective as a Spy as a Soldier.

Not much more to say then that I’m on Steam every night, TF2 most of those nights, and am generally very friendly, optimistic and… a great support player.

Steam Account: SolidScale

…uuh… add me? I really don’t have much more to say. o_o;;

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Hey Solid I thought that post was a typo and he was referring to someone else at first. Welcome to the forums mate!

Hope you enjoy your games with -OZ-.

Kind Regards, BR

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Hey Solid I thought that post was a typo and he was referring to someone else at first. Welcome to the forums mate!

Hope you enjoy your games with -OZ-.

Kind Regards, BR

Cheers mate, I know I’ll be havin’ some great games with you guys. Hope to see you all on the field!

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Hey Solid I thought that post was a typo and he was referring to someone else at first. Welcome to the forums mate!

Hope you enjoy your games with -OZ-.

Kind Regards, BR

Cheers mate, I know I’ll be havin’ some great games with you guys. Hope to see you all on the field!

Hope so! Come join us on teamspeak 3! Always -OZ- Folk on for a bit of laugh and a chat. Check the homepage for details. for connection info on the right hand side.

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 401

wello solid welcome to the clan i have fixed up the forum permission for ou you now can see the tf2 sections 😀 :banana:

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wello solid welcome to the clan i have fixed up the forum permission for ou you now can see the tf2 sections 😀 :banana:

Cheers for that! Cheers very much. And that was a nice game we had tonight!

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 401

unfortunatly my lady friend rocked up and my place and drove me to hers to do “homework” so i couldnt play much but i’ll be there for the scrim :banana:

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unfortunatly my lady friend rocked up and my place and drove me to hers to do “homework”

ROFL brag much?

