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im timic83
and i love wolf et

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Joined: 14 years ago
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Welcome, Hope to frag see you ingame :et16:

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Nice to meet you 🙂

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im timic83
and i love wolf et

Hey Tim.

Seen you ingame.

We love ET too.

You’re most welcome on the OZ server!

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Hallo Timic83,
ET is great! Have you been playing long? Great to see you on the server

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Welcome to the forums and server.

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)

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Hallo Timic83,
ET is great! Have you been playing long? Great to see you on the server

i mainly played on random servers from like 06-09, mainly liked the original 6 maps (and venice :p) so im still learning all these new maps.
after then played a lot of tf2 and still do but FUCK crits, fortress forever is cool tho but no1 plays it 🙁 also dota 2 is an evil drug.
mainly actually play smash bros melee/project m competitively locally, and fighting games
do you generally like to complete objectives on this XPSAVE server or just DM until timeout? i dont mind either way

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It’s a bit of both Timic. There are some who just love the obj, and others who just like to roam around and frag. But the positions can switch if some don’t like a map that’s been voted and just want it finished.

Most regs will do the obj, but try to leave it till the last minute. No-one likes a map that’s over in two minutes (unless it’s a crap map then everyone cheers :)).

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)

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is this really as far as you’re supposed to be able to see? i swear in the old days i could see all across railgun, but I may be wrong… that big fog on the train tracks seems like it shouldnt be there but I may be wrong.

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I think that is just the default view distance set in the map config for rail gun some servers might have changed it but for people that might have a bad pc it might make it run bad
