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Thought I would introduce myself as I have been away for a bit due to RL medical issues.

Decided to come back to be pwned again. Medical issues still a large issue but meh.

I’m bit of a nub at the game so be gentle. Not very experienced at all so be nice.



Noble Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1526

Hi there Horie , here at OZ I’m sure we can cater to your skill level , Asch will happily challenge you for duelling practice to help bring you up to scratch. xD

I have to admit , it’s not often we get new players with 1100 forum posts these days 😛

Welcome back mate , how’s tricks?

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Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
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Hi Akh-Horus,

Welcome to OZ!

I can’t say I’ve seen your name in game before, but with the dwindling ET community that we have presently, its good to see people who are willing to come back to this awesome game (even if they’ve only played a few times in the past!).

I’m happy to help you with any queries you have regarding the server and patch 2.60b.


(clan leader)

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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Thanks for the welcome here guys. I aspire to be your level one day, and by the way, I think Asch has my measure well; and truly. It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction for learning stuff with ET, maybe one day I will be good. Maybe.

And joke, pleasure to meet you.


Wrist is screwed btw.

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Special !fling for uncle horey.



Noble Member
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GTFO (evilb)

Member Admin
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Posts: 2885

Make a special level for you have all the fling comands that you want 🙂

Member Admin
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 546

Don’t forget too add !pants >.>

Eh, Melon is a pretty cool guy, changes your signature and doesn’t afraid of anything.

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and we will add the super secret !pip command

Reputable Member
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Hows dat config goin Horus…
Cheque in the mail yet?

Looks sus as hell to me, I’ve never seen any mouse that smooth before

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Hi Horie, good to see you back mate.

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Special !fling for uncle horey.


Da noob <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

I have no fling powers alas.

Rainy – havent you got the cheque yet? Sent it ages ago!!!! lol

Guys – thanks for the welcome back, no idea how long the wrist will last but will see how things go. You would have noticed a definitive level of skill drop in my gameplay (never good anyway) so will see how my injury goes…….

Honorable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 547

Welcome back ya old bugga, prepared to be pantsed,flung, launched, pipped and popped. Cheers Boges

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Im getting so much airtime I have applied for registration as an airline thanks to you Boges :):):)

Also got charged for indecent exxposure thanks very much!

Wouldnt have it any other way though!!!!!!!!

Prominent Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 564

Welcome to ET Akh. You remind me of another guy who used to play ET – top bloke and deadly with rnade, now what was his name …


“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)

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