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Hello all 🙂
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Hello all 🙂

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hi @ all 🙂

I am Robert aka +H*S|Robert_Bb. The german admin of |H*S|.

I thought i register here on your forums and now i am there and thought it´s time to say hello 🙂

Soo yea…Nice to meet you all,
Best regards,

P.S.: Hopefully we meet on one of either your or our server sometimes 🙂

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Hi Robert, Welcome to the -OZ- Forums. 🙂

“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

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Gidday mate, jeez your an early riser for a Sunday.

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Hi Rob ,
Haven’t seen you in ages or is there more than one HS Rob? xD
I was on your server last night giving TJ’ing engineer nade spam demonstrations , my k/d was meh but it was a good show. 😉

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Hi Rob ,
Haven’t seen you in ages or is there more than one HS Rob? xD
I was on your server last night giving TJ’ing engineer nade spam demonstrations , my k/d was meh but it was a good show. 😉

Nah only one H*S Rob 🙂
Btw i saw you on our server yesterday 😀 😀 (not rly ages imo 😛 )
