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Hello there Oz gamers, I’m Jessica.
I live in Melbourne, I play TF2 for too many hours,
I guess you could say, I’m somewhat addicted to TF2 haha.
Hmmmm, my main class is Solly and Pyro, I am alright at Medic but willing to play other classes 🙂

I also play other games. I enjoy reading comics and I’m very artistic.
I am willing to make any clan art if it’s an option.


Honorable Member
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Play ET i dare ya its more addictive

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Hi Jessica, welcome to the clan, I hope you find it cozy here :).

Join us on teamspeak too sometimes –

Best Regards, BR

Estimable Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 178

Play ET i dare ya its more addictive

Play ET if you hate hats and fun. Us artistic gamers don’t tend to generally like most games that try to be realistic.

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Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 211

Hello there.
Yes play ET.

Us artistic gamers don’t tend to generally like most games that try to be realistic.

Because maps like Xmas Sniper and half the maps out there are realistic.

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Atleast the sausage fest is slowly ending. Enjoy your stay.

Waiting for noob or butz:


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Posts: 114

Hi Jess

Welcome to -OZ- its good to have another girl in the clan 🙂

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Posts: 1066

Play ET i dare ya its more addictive

Play ET if you hate hats and fun. Us artistic gamers don’t tend to generally like most games that try to be realistic.

Lol, like it takes 4 headshots to kill someone, When ur dead you can be revived via a dodgy used needle, a pair of pliers fixes/builds everything from a tank to a bridge etc. Yep pretty realistic tbh…..

by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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This AlphaClank guy really is a tool.

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Lol, like it takes 4 headshots to kill someone, When ur dead you can be revived via a dodgy used needle, a pair of pliers fixes/builds everything from a tank to a bridge etc. Yep pretty realistic tbh…..

Macguyver & Steven Seagul co-designed the game so STFU!

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Posts: 1066

^^Why u no poop right, hahahahahahha, classic.

by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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another one….another what…forgets…loops…hi there

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Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 89

Hey Jessica! Welcome to OZ! 😀

Looking forward to playing TF2 with you, I also like pyro. XD
May the best pyro win. 😀

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Posts: 218

I had an ex-girlfriend named Jessica.

I don’t like you.

Welcome to -OZ- !! 😀

Looks sus as hell to me, I’ve never seen any mouse that smooth before

Reputable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 211

I had an ex-girlfriend named Jessica

Had is past tense and does not infer presently.
So therefore you had an ex-girlfriend called Jessica, but could not have an ex-girlfriend called Jessica currently.
the opposite of an ex-girlfriend is a girlfriend and therefore . . . . . .

Well thats the point anyway.

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