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Panda is me.

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Hello there my name is Panda. I am new to this website and hope to know all of you and become good friends with most of you, I already know a few people from experience of the server in Enemy Territory, and they are very nice people. I hope I get to see more of you often around the forums and the server, I play quite a bit so chances are you will see me playing on the server, when bots (haven’t taken over.)

Sincerely, Panda (woot)

Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 910

Hi Panda, I remember you. Aren’t you Ry4n’s little brother?

Member Admin
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 546

Moved from ET discussion to Intros, this is the correct place for introducing yourself. 🙂

Eh, Melon is a pretty cool guy, changes your signature and doesn’t afraid of anything.

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I don’t think so, very sorry if I disapointed you but I am not Ryan’s Brother, sorry.


Reputable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 465

I already know a few people from experience of the server in Enemy Territory, and they are very nice people.

shame it’s not reciprocated.
