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How’s things oz clan?I see et is still going.Good job 🙂 I no longer play but thought id drop by and say hi.

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“If life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade”

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Welcome back Stat!

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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This = Lestat? (drunk rager but I thought you were kinda funny cos you never focused your rage at me? changed your name HEAPS too?)

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Posts: 522

lolz, missed the days u threatened to put me into an ambulance or even throw me into the ocean with weights attached to me
good times

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How’s things oz clan?I see et is still going.Good job 🙂 I no longer play but thought id drop by and say hi.

Hello… I don’t know you, BUT hello anyway 🙂 :banana:

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I miss the days you would abuse me for naming myself -OZ-Master-Bait.



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I miss the days you wrote poems about how much you hated me in the oz section rofl

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Ahh but is it the real Stat?

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Ahh but is it the real Stat?

Nah, not drunk enough.

by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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Ahh but is it the real Stat?

Nah, not drunk enough.

i lold

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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Ahh but is it the real Stat?

Yes,it is the real StaT a much changed and VERY sober StaT.Gone are the days of raging and hatin.

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 726

Ahh but is it the real Stat?

Yes,it is the real StaT a much changed and VERY sober StaT.Gone are the days of raging and hatin.

Sounds like all the fun bits are gone =[

Honorable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 522

sounds like banks
yet u can still make him rage

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Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1526

OMG stat!
Long time no see , I see you’ve ditched the turps?@^%!

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