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Banned from dBd??
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Banned from dBd??

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Noble Member
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Yeah I know but during the day no one plays on our server.

Anyway – my account at dBd forums was removed…….no idea why. I know what my account name is and what the password is – has been removed. Was playing on the server today – playing against bots only – then bang – banned permanently by admin.

So my playing against other people in AU during the day is now removed. No idea why lol…….

Certainly no hacking, rule breaking etc. Anyone from dBd read these forums?

Common sense responses?

Eminent Member
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Wow the irony here. You kick me all the time for no reason. Now you’re on here having a cry because you got banned from another clans server and you can’t play et through the day?
What a joke you are xD

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Lol darl. See you on the server 🙂

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Maybe send them an email and enquire?

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No provision to do so…….

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Come on darl, waiting for your exceptionally witty comment – enthrall us all please….:trump:

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i remember when i had Wit..:trump:

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wtf are you doing playing this game anyway Gary, ..nostalgia?
pubg and fortnight are where it’s at now, and when Oct comes BFV! ……see you on the battlefield fatty :trump:

dbd admins frequent the discord channel of this clan. kevinrudd? and his strange friend. They remind me of Romulus and Co they hack and been banned from fpsgamerz, not 100% sure tho.


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Be interesting to have a response from the admin from dBd responsible.

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Bloody funny

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Do you seriously think dbd guys would hang out on an oz forum? I play both servers and its funny as hell you got banned dude you deserved it. You have no idea how many peeps are loving it oh thats right your banned from there forum so you cant read it all haha kicknscream some more this is funny stuff. GBT pretty much nailed what kind of person you are :smash: right after the ban pmsfl.

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I use to play oz left for obvious reasons. Your banned from there stuff deal with it. gbt couldnt have nailed it better. Really sums up what you are. Midi pfttt and little Matilda has to chip in you dudes have always been the same. Did you tell oz how much you hate the majority of players on the oz server like you use to on dbd’s server?. Cops dont lie do they? or in your case of course they do. Get over it and stop crying.

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Dont hold your breath. Then again feel free.

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Well said gbt. Even bullies get banned from some servers. Matilda and his little offsider midi pftttt. Like i said gbt nearly fell of my chair reading this stuff very funny indeed. Horus stop crying for gods sakes you little man.

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You were banned from a forum and a game server that seems right. They made a good decision i think its pretty funny reading the crying here. GBT makes some valid points i remember you on the oz server and your behavior.

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