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Best and favorite drink(s)?

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Non alc: Iron Bru
Alc: Really digging Pimms and ginger ale, splash of the vod and a twist of lime. Those Dark and Stormies are pretty easy to plow through as well
Anyone else?

Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines

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In terms of alcohol I don’t really drink anything other then beer. Heineken is my beer of choice (not a big drinker).

As for non alcoholic, I love the bottled berry smoothies they sell down at countdown.

Fuck just read that, I sound gay.

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Cider and er Cider…

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Cider and er Cider…

rekorderlig is good but pricy
another good one is dixons

Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines

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Posts: 111

Scotch is my thing, I drink beer socially but if I’m staying in it’s scotch with maybe a beer or two. Belgian beer is best beer, expensive but worth it.

Non-alco: lychee tea. It’s da schnizz.

[url]”there lurks the skid demon”[/url]

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In smiling Bacchus’ joys I’ll roll,
Deny no pleasures to my soul.
Let Bacchus’ health round briskly move,
For Bacchus is the friend of love.

May love and wine their rights maintain,
And their united pleasures reign.
While Bacchus’ treasure crowns the board,
We’ll sing the joy that both afford.

Oh – And beer, and um water.

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)
