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Boys and girls i got a dream haha! BIG PLAN OZ GAMING

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Not a dream a plan to bring back OZ gaming back from the dead.

1. We need a promo video of the trickjump servers and then prize money still stands
I got many ideas, we all can throw idea at it, make it look awesome ok. Done [x]

a) Again we got a demos list now upload them here – Done []

2. We can buy views, $30 for 10,000 we wait till people roll in cause dont want to order to much, be over crowed so far – Done []

3. After we get the servers running who else is man enough, or girly enough to hold an admin job.. i know its fucking stress, but i’ll come on and enforce them clean out the fucking hacking and tell to man up or piss off to cod – Done []

4. Get etpro server up see how long it takes to fill the servers – Done []

5. If we get enough people will donate, $5 or even ten and we can runn the servers piss easy

Done ]

Who is with me here..!


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This man is a genius.


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Lol pretty simple David…

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I assume this mainly refers to ET as OZ Gaming is not “dead” when it comes to minecraft and other games…

Eh, Melon is a pretty cool guy, changes your signature and doesn’t afraid of anything.

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Just Our clan, i know minecraft is fun and shit, never played it lol

Just want to bring back ET in OZ

I miss the days when pwn all day every day lol


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get them to put et on steam and its all win ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Hahaha, Another to put on the list… ;), Its on xfire so it shouldn’t matter… But that’s be last on list, i doubt we need to do that.

