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Corona virus – how has it affected you?

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Noble Member
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Let us know what impact this has had on you and yours.

Estimable Member
Joined: 9 years ago
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Not a huge amount. Complying with the mandates has been mildly irritating at times, although not worse than contracting the virus i would imagine.
Employment wise business has grown, although the foundations for that were laid pre covid the pandemic didnt impact too greatly.
The greatest change has been amongst interactions with other people and their weird and wonderful reactions to being told to wear a mask and in some cases the sad realisation that their labour isnt worth what they thought it was

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Prominent Member
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Hardly at all up here in Godzone country. Was a slight risk of running out of bog paper at the start of it all, then last month all Qld had to wear masks for the first time, but for only two weeks. One of the advantages of living in another country I suppose :cool:. But I certainly feel for all those less fortunate elsewhere having to live through those restrictions, and worse, lost a loved one.

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)

Noble Member
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Well I live in rural Victoria but work in the CBD. Been very interesting with work as you could imagine. This last lock down stuffed my leave up 2 weeks off with the wife, first week was in the garden, second week we intended on having a week in Tasmania.

Having 2 days in Daylesford at the moment is a treat.

Eminent Member
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Thankfully it hasn’t impacted work or anything like that. The biggest impact is not being able to see family. Poor daughter hasn’t seen her cousin in 18 months – which is a long time in a kids life.. Every time we make plans there is an outbreak and borders close.

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I feel your pain. My wife and I have kept busy as we are essential services. Having the continual lock downs happen whenever we have a holidays booked sucks though.

Member Admin
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Besides wearing masks everywhere out, it hasn’t been a huge inconvenience, regional vic hasn’t changed much, besides no markets for cheap tools.

All our work is at home on the farm or next door, roads have been slightly quieter which is nice for tractoring between properties.

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Where’s the farm.

Member Admin
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Near Cohuna
