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Donations really ne…
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Donations really needs to be fixed

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Eminent Member
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Are donations still needed to run this server? What’s the financial situation of OZ WRT hosting costs? Fill me in, please.

Given that donations are being requested, surely the counter & acknowledgement page has to be 100% working, real time and flawless – transparency and accountability will definitely encourage more people to contribute. I happily donated around $700 in 5 years while it worked, but since it’s been busted I have not had the same urge. I’m sure others would feel the same. I’m a big fan of what BR has created and I actually want to continue contributing.


Reputable Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 252

yeah even tho i dont play any of the servers anymore.. ill still happily donate for the cause..

Member Admin
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2290

I’ve just emailed the two who can help most; see if we can get this updated/sorted.

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2885

Well the plugin is updated but it now is a paypal issue with br do cant do much about it now and the goal bar i think dont work any more might have to reinstall all of it will have a look again tonight

Member Admin
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Ok donation goal is working but now not comming up when donated got to get br to add in paypal

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2885

ok all is working even though you will get a security error it will still be processed
