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ET stats

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spent a few minutes tonight. knocked this together.
you run this in the background, minimise et, then click refresh.


you need etconsole.log output. get et outputting console logs by setting logfile 2 in your config.
once you know the location of the etconsole.log, open “ET Stats.exe.config” in notepad, and type the location.

it’ll crash if you got the location wrong.

i’ll probably do more with the stats bit later, like ratios, etc

Estimable Member
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 151

Oh hey, while you’re here, could you link to that GUID database application you posted on GA like a year ago? And does said program work with etpub too? Thanks in advance.

Stats program looks nifty, nice work. Was it compiled in Python or like C or something.

Prominent Member
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I’ll give it a go tomorrow – seems cool.

But in future host your image at tinypic or imageshack or something.. that place was funky!

Noble Member
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Stats program looks nifty, nice work. Was it compiled in Python or like C or something.

My guess is C# since his server has an etconsole.cs file ๐Ÿ˜›
Also, since .NET Reflector disassembles it, it is C# ๐Ÿ˜‰
Messy variable names gema, makes it hard to understand what your strings are doing ๐Ÿ˜›
Just a couple of questions about it though:
Are you reading from an old log file or do you read it “as it comes” (I know they are the same but what is it you are aiming for?). To clarify, does it only get the last game played or does it do a continual tracking of the stats?
I was thinking of making some small ET related projects in my spare time in the hols, seems gema might beat me to all the good ones ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


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Oh hey, while you’re here, could you link to that GUID database application you posted on GA like a year ago? And does said program work with etpub too? Thanks in advance.

Stats program looks nifty, nice work. Was it compiled in Python or like C or something.

etpub doesnt do the guids command. the other program was written for etpro, and more specifically, for identifying aliased players in my admin role.

My guess is C# since his server has an etconsole.cs file ๐Ÿ˜›
Also, since .NET Reflector disassembles it, it is C# ๐Ÿ˜‰

correct. if you wanted the source code, should have asked me.

Just a couple of questions about it though:
Are you reading from an old log file or do you read it “as it comes” (I know they are the same but what is it you are aiming for?). To clarify, does it only get the last game played or does it do a continual tracking of the stats?

it’s a polling routine (by timer) that activates every 100ms. it checks for new content in the etconsole.log file. if there is new content, it processes. so it’s continual tracking.

i have another stats program that also tracks the obituaries as they appeared. it told me the pecking order of players. i ran it on GA7 sometimes to announce killing sprees and multikills… i often got a mute for it haha.

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Yeah I just wanted to have a quick look so reflector served its purpose ๐Ÿ˜‰ Gotta love that program.
Sounds interesting, the multikill idea sounds cool haha. I take it it would have to manually write it to the screen unless there is some hidden ET API :P.
Kajah back in the day made a vb script that ran daily that took the rankings from splatter ladder to show how your ranking went day by day. Was kind of cool except it was pretty basic since it didn’t have any filters. You would end up getting 50 excel files with data on the top 50 players. Something like that wouldn’t work now that sl knows we use bots and sessions aren’t ranked.


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Yeah I just wanted to have a quick look so reflector served its purpose

well, let me know if you want the source posted.

I take it it would have to manually write it to the screen unless there is some hidden ET API

there’s actually a hidden window when you play et. its the same window as when you run etded.exe. it’s got a text box at the bottom, so you can write commands, so i find the window, and the textbox and use it to communicate to et. it’s the same process Yawn uses.

Honorable Member
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set guidcheck “clear; wait 130;guids; wait 130;condump guidcheck.txt”

just a piece from my cfg if anybody would like
has come in handy many times

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set guidcheck “clear; wait 130;guids; wait 130;condump guidcheck.txt”

just a piece from my cfg if anybody would like
has come in handy many times

i thought guids was not a valid command under etpub? only under etpro…

Noble Member
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Ah I see. So that is what that utility function was doing.
It all makes sense now ๐Ÿ™‚


Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
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Could you post the source for your program gema? ๐Ÿ™‚
I might dabble with some of the tools I want to make in the coming weeks and it’ll save me having to reinvent the wheel on things like inputting to ET.

