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Howdy Gunblade, good to see you getting involved around the boards! Just a little tip on posting videos, if you embed the video you will get a lot more lols and save everyone some time. I’ve done it for you this time, however to do it yourself in the future simple copy the digits following the ‘v=’ in the url. For example, this time the digits were ‘pIrvpn3k9A4’. Then click the ‘youtube’ box on the ‘post reply’ screen. this will give you tags that resemble these:


Simply paste those digits in-between those tags and presto, you’ve got an embedded video.

then you can whip out the secret wand and jab him with it from behind, when he leasts expects it.

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Posts: 480


This one is more of an overview of all of Remi’s pranks.


then you can whip out the secret wand and jab him with it from behind, when he leasts expects it.

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