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Has any one got caught hacking ? coz some people are just so f%&^ing good , i think i have a head twice as big as normal and people just get me three times with a headshot from any distance, freaks me out.
Cheers the drunk bogan

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drunk i feel for ya lol i shot in the head that many times it just seems unreal BUT i think some are just bloody good at aiming 😛


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Whats your email address bogan? I’ll attach my bot to an email for you

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Bogan just concentrate for the head adjust your mouse to what you think is head height before you get into a firefight when u seem them just move your mouse horizontally across the screen to fire then.

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Bogan just concentrate for the head adjust your mouse to what you think is head height before you get into a firefight when u seem them just move your mouse horizontally across the screen to fire then.

If they’re shooting at you,don’t stand still………. 😉

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I’m no expert, but aim head high, strafing. Always be moving. If you have cover, strafe into it, convince your opponent ure packing or woteva, then bust out and have anutha go. Depending on the situation, do the unexpected. Strafe into cover, then burst out the side you think your opponent will least suspect. I die a lot so my advice might not be that good, but I have never been afraid of giving it a go and pushing forward 🙂

“And She did throw a wave to a particle, relatively, and generally, often, pausing only to spraypaint some antimatter with bricks.” Verse 6, Chapter 9, Book of AsTrollogy, The Psychic Testament

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Personally I just load up crusher and have a field day.
Who needs skill when they develop it for you?


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Personally I just load up crusher and have a field day.
Who needs skill when they develop it for you?


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Some people use skill_hax.exe others bot_hax.exe I use MacGyvver_hax.exe

Just keep practising your aiming, reflexes and strafing to get better at aiming at the head.

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soz bout the late reply,thanks blokes.Do i try typing that stuff in my console,what does it do?
Cheers Drunk Bogan

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Just to let u know strafing on et is when u move side to side.. Harder
for your opponent to kill u as ur moving also sprint while doing this
(for extra speed moving side to side)

Cheers nico

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Whats your email address bogan? I’ll attach my bot to an email for you


You can’t unsee that. Even if you nickname it that, it’s NOT a bot.

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haha Bogan xD

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haha Bogan xD

Shit nearly three years ago? wtf

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wow olllld thread lol. Got me thinking about the beggining of this server like 4 years ago :O

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