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Having tried the pr…
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Having tried the prescribed method already…

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Hi to all you OZ champs!

I tried to follow the link given in bans/appeals thread, but that just gave me an error message, so I thought I’d post here.

I have played on your Enemy Territory ETpub xpsave server before, but have been absent for some time. I tried to hop on this evening for a casual sesh but I found that I have been banned for hacking, which bewilders me, having never done so! I am not sure when the ban was placed on my IP, but I am guessing my housemate is to blame for the ban, being the stone cold douchebag he is.

I just thought I’d plead my case in the hope of being able to play again at some point!

Thanks, all.

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well first off: hi, second off what name were you banned under? So we can find out more about this.

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Well, I asked, and apparently it would have been ‘xeno’ or something. I have always played as ‘nailz’.

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That was me, nailz. He was walling minimum – unless he is three times better than you were at your peak, and a jedi. In terms of the ban, we’ll have to discuss that one. 🙂

(The only reason there is even a discussion is because it is you (if it actually is you))

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Haha thanks Mars, I just appreciate being given the time of day 🙂

In regards to me being me, I’m not sure what I could do to prove it, but let me know if there is anything.

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Also, pleeeease 🙂 it’s been so long since I’ve played, I would love to get on and play with you all again! Totally jonesin’ for some ET. :et11:

How is the server going these days anyhow, still get plenty of nightly regulars?

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Should I give up? 🙂 just wondering.
