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Yer, they used to apply the beat down to my poor little skeleton rather regularly. The worst was the space maps where it was rail-hores-a-go-go.

Butty was pretty good at QL. We did some 1v1 at one point and I gave up after he was up like 19-0 or something.


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omg you were the skeleton? I was the skeleton! clearly the most funny to see wandering around a map.

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yer smellington was all class imho.

That stupid eyeball with legs used to annoy me.


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I still play quake live abit! Dunno if buttz does anymore or not.. my friends list is glitched.

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I remember QL, I sucked hard at it. Butz and noob just lold at me raging all the time. QL was gay though, no one would talk in MM1. Half the fun in the game is the lolchat in MM1.


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Haven’t been playing games for a while but I remember running around looking to fist noob and G 🙂

P.S – f4g stands for Fisting 4 Glory!!! noob fails at his own clan 🙁

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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lerl butz, I never told you the REAL name of my clan. 😆

you fail at owning me.


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there was no mm1 cause they were to busy loling at quake noobs who couldnt rail for for shit lmao


Noble Member
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lerl butz, I never told you the REAL name of my clan. 😆
you fail at owning me.

Ahahha, well played…….. well played indeed.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Yeah I was a proud f4g. And I distinctly remember G-train not being in the clan.


I own at rocketjumps 😛

by hillyjnr » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

Noble Member
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I own at rocketjumps 😛

Yer, you need those boosters to get you off the ground then those flabs go to work bouncing you around the walls 😀

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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lol you guys just lol


Honorable Member
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you guys don’t play it any more?

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Whats QL… 😛

Must have been one of those games like ET:QW…people played it but ended up going back to ET.

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noone tell him… let him stew in his own juices for a while. Muhahaha.

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