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as it says lol im still waiting for my net after i moved and after this long i dunno if ill get back into et so to all me good buds ill chat to ya on msn when i get my net on finally


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Send me jailbait and you have yourself a deal.

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You’re jailbait.
And you just can’t wait
Jailbait baby, come on! (8)



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Sif leave me Phat………….after all this time we are part and parcel. Through several servers we been tight – not looking forward to ET without you.

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You’ll be back.


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sorry gaz lol but been w.o net for over a month and not really missing it tbh i dont think i will be back in online gaming when i get it back i still have msn so dw we can still chat lol its not like im going offline forever


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Posts: 378

You’ll be back.


I agree as i gave it away for a while too and found myself in the past week playing again.But … with all the negativity i don’t think its worth it.

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 564

Phat my man .. come back !
It wont be the same without ur insightful comments 🙂

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)

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Gonna miss you calling me a hacker

half your skill is in your config

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Gonna miss you calling me a hacker

Again wit the big head.Sadly he was > you.Also POD > you.

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Again wit the big head.

Again with the dumb trolling.

I don’t see how it’s BIG HEADISH when he whinged and called me a hacker all the time! Obviously you can’t see my sarcasm through the internets.

Sadly he was > you.


Also POD > you.

Arguable – and it’s not exactly a competition.

half your skill is in your config

Estimable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 175

You’ll be back.


I agree as i gave it away for a while too and found myself in the past week playing again.But … with all the negativity i don’t think its worth it.

Not as though you have anything better to do

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Pssh. Barely trolling at all.


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Phat my man .. come back !
It wont be the same without ur insightful comments 🙂

yeh gonna miss the drunken nights and random convos lol but will have to arrange to come down this chrissy bakes when i get holidays off work


Reputable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 378

You’ll be back.


I agree as i gave it away for a while too and found myself in the past week playing again.But … with all the negativity i don’t think its worth it.

Not as though you have anything better to do

@ Blusky: Ignoreing ya comment’s. Coz POD and Phat both pwn you.

but Dr.Dumb,Oh please The mere name … sum’s up this: you are a White wanna be Nigz and you could never be so you used that name on a forum coz you thougt it was Gansta! Yo!

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