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Lets get more people into ET

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Noble Member
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Good job messy!

Does this mean we are going to see a wave of new guys with mad sniping skillz?

Just dont give them ur hacks, I mean cfg please :banana:

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Check your inbox for a copy of the contract.

Once you return it to me signed and dated you’ll receive a response within 5 working days.

Horus I’m willing to give you my sniping haka files for free.

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Schweeeeeeeeeeeeet :banana:

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I’m trying to entice a colleague to play ET and am trying to find the guide/files/installation notes which, if I’m not mistaken, BR wrote? Not sure …

Anyways, on a related issue, the links at the top of the OZ webpages don’t work e.g. “Downloads”. :-_-

Noble Member
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I’m trying to entice a colleague to play ET and am trying to find the guide/files/installation notes which, if I’m not mistaken, BR wrote? Not sure …

Anyways, on a related issue, the links at the top of the OZ webpages don’t work e.g. “Downloads”. :-_-

Link your colleague to:
If they require the minimizer: [url] http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefr … izer;21025[/url]

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

Member Admin
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Posts: 2007

I’m resolving those links hopefully within the next day or so,

Also More local link for ET :)-
Patch –

Tell them to run as admin and BAM! They can play et ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S and /connect


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Posts: 465

I’m resolving those links hopefully within the next day or so,

Thanks, BR. Also to buttz ๐Ÿ™‚

Regarding your links, they appear to work in some versions of IE (7+) but not in IE6 (noob tried that) and not in Firefox.
Weird ;>

P.S and /connect

Ahh that’s neat! I’ll use that myself! :banana:

Reputable Member
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Posts: 211

Regarding your links, they appear to work in some versions of IE (7+) but not in IE6 (noob tried that) and not in Firefox.

Your first issue is that you are using Internet Explorer. . . .

Also heres an idea with dealing with newbies or people that just can’t play as well as they’d wish.
Have a server just for them. Say the K/D goes above a certain point get kicked or spec or something.
That way newbs get the fun of killing instead of the pro’s spawn killing and the newbs walking nowhere before dying.

Estimable Member
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have 2 et shortcuts one for oz and one for other go one of them if running windows right click go down to properties in the target text box in properties type connect at the end of the text so it looks like
oz 1.jpg[/attachment:3gcbnod8]

“C:Program Files (x86)Wolfenstein – Enemy TerritoryET.exe” connect
or the server ip

“C:Program Files (x86)Wolfenstein – Enemy TerritoryET.exe” connect

for the second shortcut take out the (depends on which one you used) connect or connect and leave it as

“C:Program Files (x86)Wolfenstein – Enemy TerritoryET.exe”

rename one so you know the difference between the two ๐Ÿ˜€oz5.jpg[/attachment:3gcbnod8]

Member Admin
Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 2007

Regarding your links, they appear to work in some versions of IE (7+) but not in IE6 (noob tried that) and not in Firefox.

Your first issue is that you are using Internet Explorer. . . .

Also heres an idea with dealing with newbies or people that just can’t play as well as they’d wish.
Have a server just for them. Say the K/D goes above a certain point get kicked or spec or something.
That way newbs get the fun of killing instead of the pro’s spawn killing and the newbs walking nowhere before dying.

I do like this idea, like a training sever, -OZ- Newbies. Once you hit 1.7 KD ur ready for the big server. Sounds good. And those not so skilled players could get some practice wihtout being poned in their spawn. But if we made it 30 slots we’d eventually have the majority move over to it, and then it would just be excluding the REALLY good players with high Kd’s so keeping the newby server small would be optimal. (I know I’d be praccin on there), my KD is around… 1.01? Maybe we could have some skilled bots on there or something as well.

Regards, BR

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I’m *still* sponsoring Micknight here. Lol. ;]


Reputable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 211

I’m *still* sponsoring Micknight here. Lol. ;]

Lol really. I hadn’t known xD.

(I know I’d be praccin on there), my KD is around… 1.01?

I don’t think mine ever gets above 1, and i’ve been playing for a year now ๐Ÿ˜ณ

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Posts: 465

Your first issue is that you are using Internet Explorer. . . .

No, I’m using Firefox.

noobitup and I have tested on a couple of versions of IE – one works the other doesn’t.
noob also says the links don’t work under Chrome.

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Thanks to noobie for assuming the role of sponsor, following me and rezzing me constantly.

<3 noobeh

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

Reputable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 211

Your first issue is that you are using Internet Explorer. . . .

No, I’m using Firefox.

noobitup and I have tested on a couple of versions of IE – one works the other doesn’t.
noob also says the links don’t work under Chrome.

Works on Safari. Well except for that one day. but otherwise yeah.
I don’t think it’s the browser but more the server thats the issue.

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