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Mc.Furball Pics

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Was a shit goalie never dived for the ball..

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Posing ftw lol @ bad hair day.. ROFL you were being sucha douch’e porter did you even record anything o.O Horrible camera, i dont know how they can be man bewbies ;3 it was “edited” horribly” cold that day prolly just the way my shirt is? o.O try taking proper pictures newb

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Get a hair cut and style it FFS wtf is that emo fringe mullet thing

half your skill is in your config

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It wasn’t cold..john lol, let me take a better one then, if your not shy again ๐Ÿ˜†

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haha, blusky… Bad hair day.. usually its alot emoer.. less Mulletler… i jsut couldnt be “Edited ” Bothered… itsl iek school.. hard to wake up before 12:00 and porter you do realise you can get suspended for that ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ Princepal = knows my parents quite well maybe i could just slip in the word… that someone is taking higly seuxal pics of me :OO i mean liekkkk when did you take the first one? we dont have coputers in our classes.. that is at least a year old then? i dont have that bag anymore

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I think you are a QT

half your skill is in your config

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haha, blusky… Bad hair day.. usually its alot emoer.. less Mulletler… i jsut couldnt be fawked… itsl iek school.. hard to wake up before 12:00 and porter you do realise you can get suspended for that ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ Princepal = knows my parents quite well maybe i could just slip in the word… that someone is taking higly seuxal pics of me :OO i mean liekkkk when did you take the first one? we dont have coputers in our classes.. that is at least a year old then? i dont have that bag anymore

LOLOLOL Sexual… you make me laugh and few days ago for first pic

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More thena few days* and why thank chu buh yuh i dont really try to liek make myself lewk Sxc for school.. mostly because i need to gget up at 8… il take some pics at soundwave =D and shows chu liek serious ima grab that paramore womans ass and be liek Rawr Epix haha QT thats what my Ex said about me ;3

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Speak normal man..

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Lol, says the man who failed English class last year *cough* 27% :rnade:

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We had a shit teacher.. we learnt nothing lol

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Excuses much rofl you didnt need to learn anything to pass english it was that easy i got 80%+ and i didnt even study then again.. Dobak was quite funny the way she was a complete bish .-.

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Who cares ๐Ÿ˜†

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Haha so true ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ <3 chu porty

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