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Name that Game!
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Name that Game!

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Post a picture out of a game in this topic and let others guess what game it is. If that person guesses the right game, he/sheMUST post a new picture.

The rules are that you may NOT post modified, fanmade games or freeware games.

I’ll start:

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Hint hint, don’t get pictures from google, they are easy to find

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“The rules are that you may NOT post modified, fanmade games or freeware games.”…

…You already failed then, that’s “Desert Combat” a Battlefield 1942 Mod. You can see the US soldier in desert camo next to the health bar, there’s an F16 flying in the background and the Fletcher DD doesn’t have missiles as its main battery and it usually has 10 depth charges not 5. Also you can make out a Mil helicopter (probably the Mi-8) on the japanese (axis) carrier and next to it is a MiG-29.

I’d post a pic of another game but I can’t get the picture thing to work.

If anyone’s interested in playing some COOP DC I know a server we can have fun on, plus you don’t need a CDkey so it’s free if you need to get the game. Anyone wanna be my chopper pilot or gunner? OR we can play some BF1942. There’s battlefield origins now but I haven’t researched how it works, pretty popular though and it’s free I think. It’s supposed to be just like the original BF1942.

“papa bear to all units, red dog, red dog, casualty count is high, move to reinforce outpost immediately, out.”

Since when is ET an objectives game?

The majority of the players concentrate on the maps objectives anyway, even now.

The SMG damage drop off rules have been rewritten:

I would triple headshot you from long range, killing you…

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xD dam you thunder, was the only pic in the folder :(. oh well you start then.

Insert image > from url > untick Retrieve remote file and reference locally paste link > press ok

If anyone’s interested in playing some COOP DC I know a server we can have fun on, plus you don’t need a CDkey so it’s free if you need to get the game. Anyone wanna be my chopper pilot or gunner? OR we can play some BF1942. There’s battlefield origins now but I haven’t researched how it works, pretty popular though and it’s free I think. It’s supposed to be just like the original BF1942.

I can fly 😀 – interested

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combat arms, need to rename those links philly 😛 (host somewhere)

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Since ferny didn’t post a new one. Here ya go.

Never talked to a lot of people who played this. A pity, as it wasn’t too bad.


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hotlinking is EVIL !ban forums


Since when is ET an objectives game?

The majority of the players concentrate on the maps objectives anyway, even now.

The SMG damage drop off rules have been rewritten:

I would triple headshot you from long range, killing you…

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Well I’m not gonna make it easy~


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close combat!


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First to Fight!

da caekey is correctey.


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Since when is ET an objectives game?

The majority of the players concentrate on the maps objectives anyway, even now.

The SMG damage drop off rules have been rewritten:

I would triple headshot you from long range, killing you…

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Rock n Roll racing? used to play it with my dad

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this one shouldn’t be too hard

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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