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New Zealand's copyright bill: cake complains to parliament

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Re: New Zealand’s copyright bill: cake complains to parliame

I once got an email from metallicas lawyers saying they are suing me for downloading the hybrid metallica/Britney spears song from Napster. (It was Metallicas So What fused with Britneys cant remember what). Nothing ever happened.

Moral of the story: If your not downloading Gigs of stuff per day, they wont bother coming after you. Its the major leechers they are after.

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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Re: New Zealand’s copyright bill: cake complains to parliame

Why do most TVs have USB ports on them nowadays? For people to plug in their externals/pen drives with downloaded movies. Nobody outright says it but it has become such a typical thing that manufacturers take it into consideration nowadays. What’s the chances that someone rips their own DVDs onto an external HDD to play from their TV? Yeah right… I suppose on one hand perhaps that is a cause for concern.

Manufacturers implemented USB ports to cater for legal media downloads through pay per view sources such as Hulu, netflix and etc.
Trying to pin the blame on manufacturers due to the end users illegal activities is like blaming your motor vehicle manufacturer for your traffic fines.

P.S – G fart, they’ve switched tactics to focus their actions on uploaders rather than leechers.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Re: New Zealand’s copyright bill: cake complains to parliame

Uploaders? Sif that’ll be a problem in NZ… Unless you fork out alot more money for a fast upload plan you’re normally capped to like. 0.125mbps anyway ๐Ÿ˜†

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Re: New Zealand’s copyright bill: cake complains to parliame

Uploaders? Sif that’ll be a problem in NZ… Unless you fork out alot more money for a fast upload plan you’re normally capped to like. 0.125mbps anyway ๐Ÿ˜†

What are you talking about, most NZ providers have “Full Speed” ADSL2+ 50GB-100GB plans for <$100.

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Re: New Zealand’s copyright bill: cake complains to parliame

Uploaders? Sif that’ll be a problem in NZ… Unless you fork out alot more money for a fast upload plan you’re normally capped to like. 0.125mbps anyway ๐Ÿ˜†

What are you talking about, most NZ providers have “Full Speed” ADSL2+ 50GB-100GB plans for <$100.

really? news to me, last I checked you normally had to go with “full speed” download with a severely capped upload speed. Where are you getting your plan prices btw, and are you including phone-line cost as well or just the internet connection & data? I highly doubt you could find me a proper full speed plan (thats download AND upload) with that much data for less than 100 dollars

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Re: New Zealand’s copyright bill: cake complains to parliame

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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