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OZ Fun Nights – Tue…
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OZ Fun Nights – Tuesday's from 7pm

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OZ Fun Nights will kick off from next Tuesday 14th of December. (If all arrangements go smoothly anyway)

BR has granted permission for the NoQuarter Server to be used for this purpose. From 7pm on Tuesday’s a redirect will appear on the ETPUB server so players will automatically be directed to the FUN Server.

Roles / Responsibilities:

iOnwr1t3r : iOn has agreed to act as the Games Master for the night. We will only have 1 “admin” who will coordinate the “fun environment” in real time in the game. iOn will be changing settings – bestowing powers on players – changing setting according to the players wishes – informing the players what functions are available to them at what times etc. iOn will be on TS during the game.

Mozzie / Grizzleybear & Azzab Mozzie has agreed to oversee the acquisition / installation and testing of maps and settings. All maps and settings need to be completed by Sunday so a few players can actually test the game environment before Tuesday Evening. Azzab will be playing a support role to Mozzie. As a new member Azzab is keen to learn. Mozzie’s role is to ensure that all of his knowledge is imparted to Azzab through working together on this project.

Mozzie / Azzab will start a thread soon requesting map and settings suggestions from the Community. The only goal for this night is that everyone have fun!

If we have missed anything please feel free to add your suggestions to this thread. (NOT MAP AND SETTINGS SUGGESTIONS – Save those for Mozzie and Azzab)

Noble Member
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does this mean that the fun server is having slot numbers boosted?

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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I have no technical prowess so cannot answer Jokes enquiry.

His question does make me ask: What would happen if 40 people showed up to play ? (highly unlikely but potentially possible)

Tuesday Evening was identified as the night we have the fewest people playing on the server (based on the last few months)

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am I the only person in the world that would rather just play et as intended than have a fun night? haha

half your skill is in your config

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am I the only person in the world that would rather just play et as intended than have a fun night? haha

The haha at end of your comment does not negate the fact that you are trying to turn a positive thread around to your way of thinking. I’m sure plenty of people like to take a purest view. I’m sure plenty of people will want to try the FUN night and actually have fun.

I feel that 163 hours per week of “normal et” vs 5 hours of fun = you seem a little depressed to me.

Once again thanks to iOn, Mozzie & Azzab for volunteering their time to make this evening happen.

No more negative nancies I say!

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but seriously I don’t care that much and I know there are heaps of people on OZ that would enjoy the fun night. So good work i0n etc.

half your skill is in your config

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lol – brilliant reply !

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noquater is fun but the problem is is that if new people are trying to join = on new builds or something like that they will be getting errors for having low hunkMegs :flamer:

so thats why for all new people please edit your etconfigs and set com_hunkMegs to 198 and set com_zoneMeg to 100 that way you wont get errors

jaymod does not have this problem i think but i could be wrong

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Tuesday Evening was identified as the night we have the fewest people playing on the server (based on the last few months)

Wait WUT!
You realize Tuesdays was least played nights so you thought hey lets have fun nights on Tuesdays when………

Your an inbecile full stop.

noobItUp <> sorry I started playing with butz again

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Yes that illustrates Tuesday Nights at the moment brilliantly.


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Well here is a list of commands that should work (haven’t tested because I don’t have a NQ test server) to enable a lot of fun times.
I would suggest that those working on the server give them a run through and that those who are tinkering with settings takes a look at
Anything with a [1] means that it takes an argument (a number usually) so that you can change the settings. Also, I haven’t added in any wrapper commands, but if you want to give the players themselves some of the funny commands such as fling or launch etc, make sure you do wrap them. What I mean by this is instead of making the !launch command available to level 1 for instance, do this instead:
command = launchme
exec = !launch [n]
desc = Launch yourself
levels = 1
This will let them launch themselves but will not allow them to launch other people which could then piss others off.
Here is the list of the commands I made:

command  = gravity
exec     = g_gravity [1]
desc     = For changing the gravity
levels   = 5 

command  = speed
exec     = g_speed [1]
desc     = For changing the speed
levels   = 5

command  = panzerwar
exec     = nq_War 9; say Panzer War ON
desc     = Turn on panzer war
levels   = 5

command  = sniperwar
exec     = nq_War 17; say Sniper War ON
desc     = Turn on sniper war
levels   = 5

command  = kniferwar
exec     = nq_War 5; say Knife War ON
desc     = Turn on Knife war
levels   = 5

command  = waroff
exec     = nq_War 0; say War Mode OFF
desc     = Turn off the war mode
levels   = 5

command  = instantspawn
exec     = jp_insanity 1; say INSTA SPAWN!!!
desc     = Turn on insta-spawn
levels   = 5

command  = normalspawn
exec     = jp_insanity 0; say Normal Spawn on
desc     = Turn off insta-spawn
levels   = 5

command  = allweaponson
exec     = g_unlockWeapons 31; say All Weapons ON
desc     = Allow all classes to pick up all weaps
levels   = 5

command  = allweaponsoff
exec     = g_unlockWeapons 0; say All Weapons OFF
desc     = Stop all classes picking up all weaps
levels   = 5

command  = shove
exec     = g_shove [1]
desc     = Change the shoving value
levels   = 5

command  = shovevertical
exec     = g_shoveNoZ [1]
desc     = Change the shoving value for vertical plane
levels   = 5

command  = headshoton
exec     = g_headshot 3; Headshot mode ON
desc     = Turns on insta kill on headshot
levels   = 5

command  = headshotoff
exec     = g_headshot 0; Headshot mode OFF
desc     = Turns on insta kill on headshot
levels   = 5

command  = goombaon
exec     = g_goomba 200; g_goombaFlags 8; say Goomba ON
desc     = Turns on goomba for team and enemy for lols
levels   = 5

command  = goombaoff
exec     = g_goomba 0; say Goomba OFF
desc     = Turns off goomba mode
levels   = 5

command  = doublejump
exec     = g_doublejump 1; g_doubleJumpHeight [1];
desc     = Turn on or off double jump - !doublejump 0 for off
levels   = 5


Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 123

does this mean that the fun server is having slot numbers boosted?

Yes, I’ll up to whatever number seems suitable for the night

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Joined: 16 years ago
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Maybe put in the !help gravity message, that the default is 800 and default speed is 400? (not sure about that).

Otherwise it’s going to take noobs forever to figure out what numbers to use for them.

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Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 181

Oh ok I was not sure if they had fixed that issue but seeing though they have bring on the carnage to bad that I’ll have to work tuesday nights ๐Ÿ™ till 930 pm qld time but I’ll be on bout 950 or so ๐Ÿ˜€
