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Hey Stinky! Hope you havn’t forgot about me 😛

WB anywayz, hope you stick around lots before your big move!

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yeah, listen to the 19 year old. He knows relationships.

just kidding… you should probably cling to her with all you’ve got.

I truly could not tell which part was sarcasm or if it was all sarcasm :(. Anyway, stinky good luck with your move.

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well wont be for a other 2 years 🙁 but ya 🙂

Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons!

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Jesus Frog. You seriously try too hard…

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2 years? Sheesh. A big gl to that… gl to that…


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you will be suprised how quickly 2 years will go by 😛

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Not for something like that, though.


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living with the person i love?? idc really if i get a lot of money or anything as long as i can be with her

moving to canada with mum?

😛 wb

Firm but fair


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Not for something like that, though.

true not for something like that it just takes to long 🙁 😛

and hicksy no not with my mom >.>

seems most ppl here still dint grow up 😛

Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons!

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rofl, your clearly the benchmark of wisdom and experience.. enlighten us o great one.
p.s say hi to your “mum” in canada

Ulti has hacked since the down of time, and he is still mad that nobody will be his friend.

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seems most ppl here still dint grow up 😛



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seems most ppl here still dint grow up 😛


so what that i wrote dint and not didn’t ?

i always write dint i dont know why i do but i just do 🙂 then again i did teach my self how to speak and write english my self(started when i was 4) seeing im dutch and what has growing up to do with proper punctuation and spelling? 🙂

ow and apparently lith is talking to me again    that game you play is inferior to the game i play 
thijs aka stinkipoo    ?? thats right i ent there 
cmaster2@hotmail.comooooooooooooooooh burn 
thijs aka stinkipoo  >.> take that  i am far more good at hatever it is that you do than you are 
hijs aka stinkipoo    3d animation is what i do now days 
 thijs aka stinkipoo    plus your lack of english grammer just shows that you suck at talking plain normal english :) said:
that game you play is inferior to the game i play
thijs aka stinkipoo said:
?? said:
thats right
i ent there
ooooooooooooooooh burn
thijs aka stinkipoo said:
>.> said:
take that
i am far more good at hatever it is that you do than you are
thijs aka stinkipoo said:
3d animation is what i do now days
plus your lack of english grammer just shows that you suck at talking plain normal english :)
* says:
*i suck at being worse than you
thijs aka stinkipoo says:
*ur enjoying your self talking like a fail troll dont you? says:
*im not a troll
*im a pixie
thijs aka stinkipoo says:
*so lith when will u stop being so stupid and act like a normal person again? that is if ur still going with the same name or if your still the same person says:
*im lithium! learm to know my proper  name
thijs aka stinkipoo says:
*what ever u say lith says:
*FAR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO I SHORTEN YOUR NAME? 
thijs aka stinkipoo says:
*u know ur acting more inmature(and now ur doing it on purpose or ur just plain out drunk(to early for that to)) then u did last time we spoke
*yes u did u always used stink instead of stinkvis(my gaming tag)
*and i always called u lith
*so yes says:
thats cause you stink
*i can smell you from here
thijs aka stinkipoo says:
*still acting inmature as always i see says:
*still having sex with men i see
thijs aka stinkipoo says:
*aperently you are still screwing with linux have you married that piece of software yet? says:
*i did
*it is my wife
*i see that you are currently "in a realationship" with your father
*how is that going?

Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons!

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