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Request for a demo
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Request for a demo

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I know Joy has posted the ‘final word on this’ and all that but she should of uploaded the demo with her post.

If possible could an admin/player upload the demo of ivanatinkle allegedly ‘hacking’. I’m sure i’m not the only one that would like to take a look at it and give an opinion on it.

Not to be offensive or anything but in my opinion the majority of the OZ crew isn’t cut out to make such decisions regarding hacking & good players.

If this post gets too spammy with nerd raging simply lock it – but it would be nice to have the demo in this thread before you lock it.

half your skill is in your config

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Of the OZ members, who in your opinion should be qualified to review demos and such to uncover foul play?
It should be settled then that only those people should be able to make a verdict on issues such as these.

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Hey I have played for a while but it comes down to:

BR makes the decisions here – he is da boss. Wait till he makes the call and we take it from there. If that means we have to wait, wait we will. And thee is actually no rule that demo’s of hackers have to be posted in the non member forum afaik.

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I know there’s no rule about it but it can’t hurt to upload the demo and let others take a look at it.

half your skill is in your config

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Oh sorry blusky ๐Ÿ™‚ uhhh fraggle has the demo, she is pm to people so could you possibly ask her? cause im just doing my job by what we oz have been told. thanks

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refer to the other topic please thanks
