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got a good youtube vid post it up music tracks what ever lets get some action here not a bad club track and got lots more [url] … re=related[/url]


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^^ this is classic old school hardcore^^

That’s not Hardcore! That’s some electronic sort of crap with some woman terribly singing!
And you got me all excited…


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i enjoyed the Pendulum vid that gutz posted up; their cover of Master of Puppets.


one of my favourite video clips

not a vidoe, but a great song

If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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trigger you focking troll


If you wanted to be my friend you wouldnt say i have pooey pants

NickelKroegerBack or GTFO!

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ROFL at Bon Jovi gutz you diet coke drinking, frozen yoghurt eating hurrrr!!!!!

by hillyjnr ยป Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 pm

I didnt track him.. my mouse got stuck

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I was half expecting Frogma to have rick-roll’d this post by now. But since Gutz has set a mood more to my liking i’ll chuck in one of my all-time favourite songs.


then you can whip out the secret wand and jab him with it from behind, when he leasts expects it.

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Move over, girlies.

Some actual Hardcore… Trash Talk.

Top 10 essential Screamo. (The real stuff.) Raein. Italian. Awesome.

The greatest Powerviolence track EVAR. Weekend Nachos.

I like my Punk how I like my bread… Crust(y). Nausea.

Post-Atmospheric Doom/Sludgecore (lulz) awesomeness. Isis.

Something a bit different, yet still amazing.
Heavy, catchy, awesome as fvck Doom/Stoner metal. High on Fire.


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Move over, girlies.

You were doing well until you mentioned High on Fibre. They are so bad that for half of their set I honestly thought they were Guitar Roadies that were just really getting into it.

then you can whip out the secret wand and jab him with it from behind, when he leasts expects it.

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Move over, girlies.

You were doing well until you mentioned High on Fibre. They are so bad that for half of their set I honestly thought they were Guitar Roadies that were just really getting into it.

…get out. Just get out, and never return.
The Art of Self Defense is their greatest album. And Snakes For the Divine has one of the best intros I’ve heard of 2010.


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Did anyone else ever see the Tism song “I might be a Bieber, but i’m not a Biebering Bieber”?

Certainly won’t be on youtube and even if it was wouldn’t be allowed on our site ๐Ÿ˜€


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