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Start of a new era …
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Start of a new era in OZ

33 Posts
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Honorable Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 547

yeah i agree Horry cant stay away from us

Estimable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 137

Bring back Horry the severs are crashing knowing you left an you havent returned!!.

Noble Member
Joined: 16 years ago
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The game has been deleted…..I have to look after my wrist…….all jokes aside too, this could be long term and could affect my job.

The game will continue and new personalities will surface, I will be a distant memory all too soon, then will fade into obscurity.

I have enjoyed the messages left, reinforced that et was the game for me and that you lot were absolute champions to associate with, all the admin decisions, bantering back and forth, general shiz and giggles……gawd it was fun, you people had no,idea how much fun I had. I got a pm from a member I won’t name which humbled me…..ggz for all.

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