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trouble – aimbot
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trouble – aimbot

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I don’t know how you identify players in ET these days, but the above demo of a player called “trouble” who was on tonight is a pretty blatant example of an aimbot. There’s plenty of footage there for any who are uncertain, but I would expect people to be able to pick it almost straight away

If playback has lots of yellow squares (missing textures), I think you need to join the server before you launch the demo in order to fix it. If anyone knows a better way to deal with missing textures on demo playback that’d be great

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Thanks for the demo mate, I’ll have a glim after work (stupid mid day shifts grr) and do some searching, unless phill gets to it first.

Also, welcome to the forums 🙂

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id say it was more of a charm not aimbot, semi tracking players through walls but could be bit further in the vid that it has it

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(wdawdawddwadwwweeewaddawde here)
Wallhack way more evident than the aimbot imo. /r_shownormals 1, can see him tracking through walls is a classic shitter hides when there is like 3+ people. I feel it’s INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS that the wallhack is 100% there. Didn’t get a timestamp but when im leaning/camping allied first spawn he STOPS clearly waits for me to show myself, there is so many instances of him having no chance to see/hear someone but still expects them there. Has godlike aim + camps his own spawn area?? No one does that…Was much more evident when he was playing rnade a few maps ago. As soon as khaleesi and matilda went spec I knew they would be speccin him.
I felt he kind of ‘relaxed’ a bit when he realized people were spectating him.

Good job demoing cos i couldnt be fked lol

half your skill is in your config

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I didn’t bother to look for wallhack, as I felt the aimbot was obvious enough not to bother. To me the main points are:

1. Watching him move around, he has absolutely no game sense, no movement skills, shows a complete lack of mouse control any time he isn’t shooting and also takes an extremely long time to start shooting targets he should be aware of. In short, he has no ET experience
2. He has either bad friction or a poor quality mouse, because his crosshair jitters around all over the place while moving around
3. Once he starts shooting he suddenly begins tracking smoothly and perfectly until the moment the last target is killed, upon which his crosshair stops dead in its tracks and he returns to having jittery and poorly controlled movements

Basically it’s the contrast between his movements when he is and isn’t shooting that do it for me, the difference is like night and day

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Many thanks for posting the demo to the forums, shibB! Much appreciated.

It’s always useful for the better players such as you and blusky to give us your thoughts on suspect players.
If there are others out there who’d like to comment on the demo (joker etc) please feel free to do so.

While I was on the server at the time and at least one player asked me to ban trouble, I’m sure you’d appreciate that I cannot instantly ban on mere hearsay. It’s not like we have a surplus of ET players these days!

If there’s a guilty verdict in this thread I’ll be sure to get rid of him next time I’m on the server.

Oh, and by the way, phill is looking into adding adlernest for you :cigar:

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Hey Matilda, do you play any other online games?


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Middy old friend!
No, I don’t.

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His bad movement and mouse positioning while reacting to information about enemy positions that he cannot possibly know make this one pretty obvious in my opinion.

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A hacker! hows nostalgic.
