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Joined: 16 years ago
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Guys so that it is more convenient to watch for peoples birthdays, get (contact details), have a fair idea of who u are and ur interesets and know just a little bit more about everyone Please go to the user control panel above on ur pages and update your profiles and please get an avatar as no avatar is boring. I have one so u can all get one too ๐Ÿ˜› (dont soo much need a sig as at times it can make the forums messy :P).

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 726

I have sigs hidden. I use avatars to identify people, so yeah, if you guys could get some that would rock.

I like your avatar too. And mine! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 92

ya right bout sigz, they take to much room. well the big ones and the stacked ones.

“Rated R Megastar ‘ ‘
“Straight Edge
“Beyond Amazing
_____Jordan | Fizz ‘ Wicked

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Posts: 726

Yeah. Let’s make it a rule that you can only have one image high signatures. Anything excessively big will be deleted.

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Yeah. Let’s make it a rule that you can only have one image high signatures. Anything excessively big will be deleted.

Admiral I have chagned hwo big ur sig can be so it has max 2 links to anyhting .. ie. imagesect.. aswell as a max image of 200* 30 i think.

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im too lazy to make a sig or update my stoof


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I’ve now added two custom profile fields:
Favourite class+weap

Because It’s always nice to be like “Admiral – he’s that witch that panzered me 7 times on Frostbite while I was getting docs” or “Zomg, the clan is lead by a bunch of teenagers?! How noob!”

So yeah. Go to User CP and fill them out. They should be under the profile tab. The very bottom option I think.

And add avatars guys. I dislike reading names.

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 92

lol mostly everyones “website” is here.. em’ i the only 1 with a acculy webpage lol.

“Rated R Megastar ‘ ‘
“Straight Edge
“Beyond Amazing
_____Jordan | Fizz ‘ Wicked

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 726

For Br and I though, it really is our website.

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Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 75

BR!!! you need a new hot signature ๐Ÿ˜€

// `’???c? is f0? ??? w?a?;; //
