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What games are you playing now

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It’s a private server 8)
Do I have you on discord? Can send you a discord invite

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Lordy me I don’t even have discord lol

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Let me know if you install it 😀
Would love to play a match with you sometime

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Want to inbox me the IP?

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You want the discord invite first Horrie, they organise the games there before joining the (passworded) server, as opposed to people just playing on there and people joining at different times

Speaking of servers, I notice the ET master server doesn’t show OZ anymore

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Yeah, teams are determined by a bot and balanced, all done through discord 🙂
Only time they are hand picked is during draft cups

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Play the odd single player game from time to time. Having a go at doom eternal at the moment.

But nothing will ever compare to prime ET. Even though OZ’s prime was way past the game’s competitive prime, still was so much fun. The community, drama and laughs were lightning in a bottle from about 08 when I started to around 2012. It started to get steadily worse as the number of players dropped.

Overall though, ET is a special game, conceptually simple and yet so dynamic at the same time…

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I am of the same opinion. The community made the game special, all the characters with the types of servers software allowed for a dynamic that I haven’t seen before.

Yeah it’s a game and although there are a few servers left, it’s old mates playing now rather than people with a new toy joining and learning.

But it was fun.

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Any new games?

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Far Cry 6 – turn off the player assists and crank the difficulty up from the default, and then it’s a not too shabby FPS with a good single player campaign …

Forza Horizon 5 if you’re into real-feel driver sims. Drive a McLaren down the expressway @ 430kph and also the closest I’ll get to driving a Lambo. There’s not much variety as far as where to drive, after all Mexico is nearly all desert. Forza 3 & 4 had heaps more variety, but nowhere as good car simulation and feel as the new release.

Also Rider’s Republic for some mental multi-player that’s not a FPS.

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)

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Far cry- 6 now?
Like you I remember number 1 coming though.

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Bumping to see – if ET is over is there a game that we can all play moving forward?

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare II multiplayer (the one out this year). Lots to do, good maps, lots of players, lots of different types of multiplayer battles (short and fast, to full invasion-type), dizzying array of weapons, player controlled vehicles (APCs, tanks, ATVs, boats, choppers, fighter jets, UAVs). And lots of lols @ the Fortnite kids jumping everywhere all the time…

“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
– Democritus (460-370bc)

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I’m slowly moving to War Thunder- my PC is an 8th gen with a 1070 mini and can’t be bothered updating. Eyesight going and so on makes it not worth it too much.

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